Unit 3000-21 is warming
Makes a humming sound - when its circuitsDuplicate emotion - and a sense of coldness detachesAs it tries to comfort your sadness -One more robot learns to be something more thanA machine - when it tries the way it does - makes …Yada Yada
I have decided to join the uppermost tier of 64Digits society- the habitual non-front-page blog posters. People like marbs and the omnipresent Polystyrene Boy. Worship me.
I beat Donkey Kong Country. Fortunately I have Donkey Kong Country 2 & 3 to take the edge off of that let down. I've also been playing a pretty amazing game (non-GM) called Excellent Bifurcation, which got second to Clean Asia! in the Shmup_Dev contest. You should play it. …
It's Springtime, and the Flowers are Blooming in the Meadow
Heck yes. 'Tis spring break.
Won't You Please Help Me
One more miserable day until Spring Break. I don't think I can stand it. I'm so fed up with school I might explode.
BannerClearly, I have a new banner.MekanosI'm going to work my butt off on Mekanos over break. Or I might just watch a bunch of …Projectivity V and Game Acceptance
Laundry List
You know you go to a slightly unusual school if they over-spend on Pi Day. =D Seriously.ModdingAnyways, unless you've been living under a rock for the past two days, you'll know that I've become a mod. There's really not much to say about this that hasn't been …3/6/07
Mental state: cheerful.
Physical state: healthy.Reading: The Grapes of Wrath, by John Steinbeck (pg. 151/455)Listening to: Quiet State of Panic, by Paul MichelWorked on: school, Mekanos.The Time Has Come To Talk Of Many Things
Just some random news stuff:
The whole thing with my History teacher turned out okay. My parents smoothed it over, so I got a B+ on all of the work. Which I don't think is entirely fair, since she otherwise would've given me an A on that stuff (since I'm …Nevermore
I've officially lost any faith I once had in the school system. If today weren't Friday, I might just have had to kill somebody. It was the worst day (in terms of school) I think I've ever had, and it wasn't even my fault.
I've mentioned my insane, evil history …