64Digits - Greater Size Demands Greater Control

Posted by Joewoof on July 2, 2006, 8:29 a.m.

A few months ago, before this place became hugely popular, it was unneccessary to have more efficient systems. However, with the influx of so many new members, there is an increased demand to establish more order.

The new "View Queue" and "Report" systems are obviously made to do so.

However, I believe that it needs more than that. The blogs, which the site revolves around, really needs to be better organized.

Here is my suggestion: separate blogs into categories. There are a number of ways that this can be achieved.

First, in the "New Blog Entry" page, there should choices for categories (either as radio buttons or a drop-down menu). The main categories may be:

  • Game Development

  • Life

  • 64Digits MMORPG

  • Miscellaneous

    (just an example, the "64Digits MMORPG" category may be problematic)

    Second, there should be a way of labeling blogs according to these categories. I've once suggested making use of the tiny gray icons on the left of the blogs. A different icon will be used for each category. For example:

  • Game Development (gray GM icon, with the hammer)

  • Life (default icon)

  • 64Digits MMORPG (circle with "64" inside)

  • Miscellaneous (a question mark)

    Third (optional), users may be able to choose blogs of which category they want to view (including the default "all" option).

    To easily implement this, all categories of past blogs will be set as "Life".

    This should improve user experience here at 64Digits a lot. Please consider it.
  • Comments

    Joewoof 18 years, 7 months ago

    Alright, I'll keep that in mind.

    Jabberwock 18 years, 7 months ago

    I agree with Joewoof. I haven't been here that long, but I've noticed there are a lot of blogs with nondescript titles about random crap that I really don't want to read. The ones about game development I think are worth reading, but it's hard to tell which ones those are.

    Malaika 18 years, 7 months ago

    I don't agree particularly with JW's idea exactly, but I do agree that a little order needs to be in the blogs. I definitely think that the user's name should proceed the blog automatically, to make it easier to notice favourite users. I know that there are ways to find them anyway, but if you're just browsing blogs, its nice to know whose blog it i before the page has to load.

    ludamad 18 years, 7 months ago

    Malaika: I think they will have an option to see favourite user blogs in version 3