Fly Soup Isn't Free

Posted by KaBob799 on Aug. 23, 2008, 2:52 a.m.

That's the title of a novel I started writing a week or whatever ago. I'm gonna try to make it be official novel length, which according to Wikipedia is 80,000+ words o.0

I have 2,000 so far =p I'm gonna try for 3,500 per chapter.

Quote: A paragraph from chapter 1
My garage attracts rats like ice cream attracts headaches and for some reason they often find themselves underneath my tires. I can’t even count the number of times I have received compliments on my “carpetedâ€? garage though, so I suppose this may be working to my advantage.

So anyway, my new laptop arrived yesterday and it is awesome. I can play most the games I own on basically full detail. my old computer couldn't even run Runescape at completely full detail (everything but anti-aliasing at full screen). That will make a bit more sense if you have played runescape since the major graphics update. It also has Vista Home Premium and my desktop only has Home Basic so that's cool. Though I disabled aero cause I didn't really like it =p

But anyway I also got microsoft office 2007 and it's pretty cool, for some reason the new design for word just makes me want to type o.0

I also made myself a new avatar, do you guys like it? I just sorta messed around with lines and stuff until it looked cool =p Also, for some reason it feels like I've seen my avatar before. Anybody ever have one similar to it?


Well, I got some more work done on mostly in the user settings area. I also have gotten quite a bit of behind the scenes work done on my forum system and it's getting close to the slightly anticipated full release (the invisionfree type hosting release).


I submitted my encoding example but whoever accepted stuff today accepted way too many things so it never appeared on the front page. Right now it's the least downloaded example on 64d <_< so if anyone could get it on the front page, even if just for a few hours, that would be nice.


I want to buy photoshop (I could easily pirate it…) but it's so dang expensive. I wonder how many more people would buy it if they actually priced it reasonably instead of taking advantage of people who can afford it. How many of you would buy it if it cost $50?


Cesar 16 years, 6 months ago

Nice trippy avatar. :D

PY 16 years, 6 months ago

Disabled aero.

I hope you've patched uxtheme :P

SixWinged 16 years, 6 months ago

But Aero is like the only reason to use Vista…

PY 16 years, 6 months ago

That's far from true :)

Baltirow 16 years, 6 months ago

What are you using no instead of Photoshop? I used to have it (very old version), now I use Paint.NET which may not be equally powerful, but, for something free, does come surprisingly close :)

Good luck with your novel, the short paragraph seems promising.

Bryan 16 years, 6 months ago

I wouldn't say comes even close to photoshop…

liquid 16 years, 6 months ago

People don't understand that Photoshop is extremely powerful and deserves that big price tag. Almost any professional graphic artist makes that money back with at least one job. My buddy has a fully legit copy since he's a web designer, but he charges $75 an hour for his work…

I like the rat carpet part in the garage, made me laugh.

TomatoeWorm 16 years, 5 months ago

Photoshop is for people without imaginations! Instead they have hearts of conformists.

Iluvfuz 16 years, 5 months ago

Photoshop is for people who have imagination and have the power to express it, rather than losers with no imagination and no access to a graphical program other than Paint.

This is directed to that n00b who can't spell tomato correctly.

Iluvfuz 16 years, 5 months ago

Hi Kamira's friend!!!