WHY? why do noobs live?

Posted by Kaz on May 1, 2006, 3:17 p.m.

So I was reading my Kill All Noobs topic(<a href='http://forums.gamemaker.nl/index.php?s=9426f3bfb185dc0fec468ee444bb1c66&showtopic=200488&view=getnewpost'>Seen Here)</a> and someone imed about not being able to download the game. So I waited for him to accept the file transfer and heres the conversation that was after.

nUmBeR1SoXfAn101: sorry just got back

nUmBeR1SoXfAn101: can u send it

XxGod of PS2xX wants to send file C:WINDOWSDesktopKill_All_Noobs.zip.

nUmBeR1SoXfAn101 received C:WINDOWSDesktopKill_All_Noobs.zip.

nUmBeR1SoXfAn101: i opened it

XxGod of PS2xX: yay

nUmBeR1SoXfAn101: but

XxGod of PS2xX: ?

nUmBeR1SoXfAn101: it says the file is corrupted or something

XxGod of PS2xX: did you unzip it?

nUmBeR1SoXfAn101: ??

nUmBeR1SoXfAn101: i click

nUmBeR1SoXfAn101: open

nUmBeR1SoXfAn101: and it doesnt work

XxGod of PS2xX: no

XxGod of PS2xX: right click on file

XxGod of PS2xX: unzip

nUmBeR1SoXfAn101: no its on the file transfer screen

nUmBeR1SoXfAn101: in files

nUmBeR1SoXfAn101: on aim

XxGod of PS2xX: um

nUmBeR1SoXfAn101: just resend it

XxGod of PS2xX: have you ever used a computer in your life?

nUmBeR1SoXfAn101: ya i click open

nUmBeR1SoXfAn101: i got the file

nUmBeR1SoXfAn101: it says

nUmBeR1SoXfAn101: so im clicking open

nUmBeR1SoXfAn101: in the files part of aim trition

XxGod of PS2xX wants to send file C:WINDOWSDesktopkillallnoobs.exe.

nUmBeR1SoXfAn101 received C:WINDOWSDesktopkillallnoobs.exe.

XxGod of PS2xX: work?

nUmBeR1SoXfAn101: ya but i have no idea how to play

nUmBeR1SoXfAn101: u should have a control thing on there

XxGod of PS2xX: http://forums.gamemaker.nl/index.php?showtopic=200488&st=0

XxGod of PS2xX: controls

XxGod of PS2xX: and there are controls in game

nUmBeR1SoXfAn101: how dou jump?

XxGod of PS2xX: did you even read the topic?

nUmBeR1SoXfAn101: just say

XxGod of PS2xX: no cuz then you wont know how to do other things

nUmBeR1SoXfAn101: whats a room

XxGod of PS2xX: LMAO

nUmBeR1SoXfAn101: cmon i want to make this game

XxGod of PS2xX: god thats the best thing all day

nUmBeR1SoXfAn101: is it like level 1

nUmBeR1SoXfAn101: ??

XxGod of PS2xX: sure

nUmBeR1SoXfAn101: is it?

XxGod of PS2xX: yea

nUmBeR1SoXfAn101: which is better to make games with. Macromedia flash or this game maker program

XxGod of PS2xX: flash is wicked retarded

XxGod of PS2xX: ive tried

nUmBeR1SoXfAn101: like hard

nUmBeR1SoXfAn101: or just stupid

XxGod of PS2xX: both

XxGod of PS2xX: you would have to be a major in calculus to understand how to do games in flash

nUmBeR1SoXfAn101: ya thats how bubble-struggle.com was made with.

nUmBeR1SoXfAn101: alright how do u insert a path into the room. i made the path but how do u put it in

XxGod of PS2xX: know what?

nUmBeR1SoXfAn101: how do u insert stuff into the room

nUmBeR1SoXfAn101: like paths

nUmBeR1SoXfAn101: and stuff


nUmBeR1SoXfAn101: lol

nUmBeR1SoXfAn101: k

I really should stop posting in the GMC for like a year or Ill never get a day without a noob talking to me. *takes a vacation*


Josea 18 years, 9 months ago

Noobs are simply annoying

neonut99 18 years, 9 months ago

I don't mind n00bs. Its just the stupid ones who don't do tutorials and ask for 100% of the game they are making. And when it is 30%-80% they give up.

DesertFox 18 years, 9 months ago

Joke Question: If they ask for 100% of their code, and they get it, how do they quite 30% of they way through?

Andswer: They don't, the people giving it to them quit!

DesertFox 18 years, 9 months ago

Though not all noobs are bad. Some are actually helpable, and are the type people that learn.

Example: A guy needing to learn how to use game_save() for multiple files, in a simple way, answered like this:

Here, it was how I di it, only with global variables. I didn't want to mess around with easily hackable ini files.

Dont worry bout anything.

I love it!!!! SO EASY! SO SIMPLE!!!! SO USEFUL!!!!!!

Thanx a ton!


Some noobs are helpable. Others aren't. We need more responses like that; it's nice to see
I love it!!!! SO EASY! SO SIMPLE!!!! SO USEFUL!!!!!!
instead of something like "STFU! y0ur 3xamp1e is stUp1d!"

Kaz 18 years, 9 months ago

Yea I hate that. In my Kill All Noobs topic a noob said my game was crap, then in the novice q&a he asked how to make the object point at the mouse.

flashback 18 years, 9 months ago

Solution: Never post your IM address on the GMC.

ludamad 18 years, 9 months ago


Kaz: BBcode doesn't work here :P use html.

Edit: Fix'd the comment

Kaz 18 years, 9 months ago

*Removes sn*

Yea I forget which works sometimes ;D

takua108 18 years, 9 months ago

You left some sort of font or size tag open and now the whole page is in big font :(

Fender 18 years, 9 months ago

Kaz's font's always big.

And without noobs, everyone would be too happy and that would throw all the karma or whatever out o' whack. Then where would we be?