Posted by Kaz on June 26, 2006, 9:41 p.m.

[warning=Spaz]This user just overloaded, and spazzed across this blog entry. Don't get him angrier. He'll explode.[/warning]Yes I said it. Mario sucks. No not all newer 3d ones, theyre cool. The old side scrolling ones. I dont see anything thats fun with them, even when they first came out. I mean all you do is run and jump on mushrooms. Oh and in some levels you fly or swim, which is basically swimming without water.

OH BOY! FIREBALLS! Yea thats exciting, they move about 5cm a second. The enemy better not move for the next 30 minutes or Ill miss. DAMN YOU NINTENDO!

And can the story get any more dumb? You finally beat a level only to find the princess is in another castle! How does the princess get captured every month? And how the hell does bowser keep coming back?? I mean mario beats him in every game right? BUT THERES ABOUT 100 IDENTICAL MARIO GAMES OUT. Oh cool a new mario game for the DS. Oh wait, ITS THE SAME FRIKIN THING I CAN GET ON THE NES THAT I ALREADY HAVE! THATS DEFINETELY WORTH MY MONEY.

Hmmm what else do I hate about mario? Whats the point in collecting stars/coins? They offer no real value except for getting 'points'. If theres a currency in a game, I want to be able to buy things with it.

Now dont get me wrong, I hate all these new shooters that have all these fancy graphics and thats it. But at least they havent been made 100 billion times(except for WW2 games, they can go to hell).

Oh the only thing I hate more than mario is megaman. Even more retarded but I felt like hating mario atm.

Yea thats it for now. I expect alot of hate posts for this…


chiggerfruit 18 years, 6 months ago

and mrpacman… i saw that futurama episode too =) i <3 adult swim too

Acid 18 years, 6 months ago

AS(Adult Swim) is awesome.


Kaz 18 years, 6 months ago

Pacman is cool, I suck at it though. More of a tetris guy.

Yea Futurama is awesome, new episodes coming out you know. If you watch AS enough you know that.