Game maker game featured in Game Informer!
I was reading Game Informer Issue #156 (The newest issue), and on page 22, it had the top ten games you've never heard of. Guess what game was #1? Soldat. Guess what was #4? Runescape. But what was #8? PLATFORMED! jk. It was Street Bike Fury! Lucky Shawn. He's mentioned …
Something I never noticed
I never noticed ludamad gave a comment on platformed, so I had to announce this.
I stopped working on platformed for a while. Don't worry. I'm gonna start back up on it. Oh, and that level is NOT gonna be in the game. it was a test level.But I …PLATFORMED IS OUT!
Pink floyd rocks. Like Rez's avvy.
Ok… well, on track, I'm sorry, Gamehawk. I didn't mean to upset you. All in all, we're just bricks in the wall. If what I said upset you, sorry. But you didn't have to call me a n00b. I get enough of that on …School...... Again
This time, I have to share a computer with some idiot. He likes ACDC and such, so I'm letting him listen to it in the background. Heh. He's listening to <i>Hotel California</i> right now. Heh. Better than what he was listening to earlier (<i>Barbie girl</i> in German). He also likes …
Yes. I'm brodcasting this from school. I <s>hate</s> like the school. Every day, I have to go here. Except saturdays and sundays. Ehhh…. computer class is always boring. There are people reading Myspace blogs, looking up randon crap on ebay, and one person on 64Digits. 64Digits>Myspace. Oh, and I remembered …
Kenoblog #5????????
<b><font size=7 color=firebrick><center>It's the lost KenoBlog!!</b></font><br><hr size=5 color=indigo><br><b><font size=7 color=firebrick><b><marquee scrollamount=10>Kenoblog is back from the dead!</marquee></b><br><hr size=5 color=indigo><font color=steelblue><marquee scrollamount=15>—Current news—</marquee></b></font><hr size=5 color=indigo><font size=2 color=steelblue></center>
<font size=5><b>L</font></b>udamad has thrown all his seCret messages out, and I have solved them all!<font size=5><b>I</font></b> have made 7 different badge shapes. I've uploaded …64D Pong Contest Results!
After Extensive testing, I have determined the winner to be………..
LUDAMAD!!!!!!Here's His Trophy!<img src=>The ratings were:Ludamad=6/10TwisterG=4/10Really close, but Ludamad prevails!What badges should there be next?
I was thinking of something. What badges do the people want next? I know I have no say in the matter, but maybe some of the ideas that are expressed here will get heard by one of the admins.
Here is the curent list of Badges thought up by the …It's a friday night, And I got a full Cheese Pizza
You know what that means………<br><font size=10 color=red><b>I WILL MAKE A DEMO OF PLATFORMED BY SUNDAY!</b></font>
Heh. You can encourage me as much as you want. Oh, Here's a Screen of the second level while I'm making it.<img src=>That's the level design. So It will look different.