The best Valentine's Day gift EVER.
(Embedded Video)
THANKS VALVE :DSpike does some sort of a frontflip

64digits mobile
Make it kthxbai.
In srsness it's hell to navigate on my iPod touch.I would have some screenshots here of PLatformed
But sadly something happened (Namely, I'm too lazy to relearn spriting).
But lets just say an evil wizard zapped a hole in PLatformed's source code and my reaction was like this.
PLatformed is delayed, get over it.
Yeah, its not even in a stable state right now, so I'm not gonna release it right now.
Though since v3 was released I'm feeling much more inclined to work on it.So I'm gonna do just that! I'll have someServer's updating
See you guys in a few months when it comes back online! :D
Ok, so I didn't do the random thing because I was too lazy, so I went into the IRC and just said "Who wants l4d2"
The Witch of Space
I slept and saw God's forge in frost. Its hearth was quelled, and as it cooled so swooned the verdancy it kept above. In slumber it grew a thick winter skin, white as bedsheets. In their folds the waker dreamt, her breath as steam, her touch as hot as iron, …
Thats it, we're officially having 64d L4D2 night.
Since Rawrspoon gave out 4 copies of the game to 64d members and I'm gonna give out 3 in a few hours to the losers of his raffle on 64d, I'm proposing we have a l4d2 night soon, despite finals being next week.
I can't announce right now as I …