I would stick around here and deal with this fucking drama but unfortunately I am a man and because I am a man I have a waifu.

UT Austin Shooter
Around 8:30 cst, a person dressed in all black, armed with an AK-47 entered Perry-Castaneda library. He went to the 6th floor and shot himself. His name was Colton, and he was a Mathematics major.
At 8:30, guess what I was doing.Go on, guess.I was in my room …Color Work on Sir Demoris
I decided to color out my concept of Spike today, to how I see him in my mind. All images in the form of links to reduce loading strain.
I will start from my first pic of him, the concept.http://dl.dropbox.com/u/434053/PLatformed/09-15-2010/Demoris1_premarkup.pngMy first step is to mask out the areas …Its..... back.
Hey guys.

The story of my umbrella
I had an umbrella shipped to me recently. By recently I mean I had it shipped to me like a week ago. I thought it was coming in on the 7th. Rained to living hell on the 7th. No umbrella. I was like "Fine, its coming in on the 8th, …
You call that Erotica?! You Red Team ladies wouldn't know how to write erotica if
I think the whole genre is silly as some of the hats in TF2. So logically I'm going to write one. Here it goes.
Extravisual was up late at night, browsing his favorite website. Inspired by a recent blog written by a female member of the site whose name was …Duke Nukem Forever, 2011
THAT MEANS I HAVE TO MAKE PLATFORMED NOW.Shit, and I didn't even plan on starting it until 2011 when Source2 comes out >_>http://kotaku.com/5630028/duke-nukem-forever-from-vaporware-to-softwareAeron
Is a pretty cool guy.
We talked for like 3 hours today in person nonstop it felt like. Holy shit.What did we talk about? Shit, I don't remember, there was so much! The past, Source, all these cool topics that are just amazing. AMAZINGS I TELLS YA.Anyways there's …Recursive Subchessboards
I used that terminology and method to describe a proof of 1+2+3+…+n=n(n+1)/2
How? ItsCollege life, AKA I can't find Aeron
Srsly aeron where are you, it may help to have some more idea other than "I live in Dobie". I swear…
Anyways! Classes, they aren't so bad it seems. Maybe they will be later, who knows. All I know is I've been through 2 of them, and they're pretty cool …