Kenon's opinon on V3 (Arg Over)

Posted by Kenon on Oct. 5, 2007, 6:34 p.m.

Quote: MSN Convo with The Irony Tree or Mr.Pacman
MrPacman says:

I doubt it as well. DF made 2 useful features in 2 days… which we had been requesting since V3 was announced. Also, if you guys truly had lives and weren't busy, then what the hell is up with you guys being so active and not doing anything? Also, JakeX isn't very active, now is he? Is it because he has a life? NO, he's made 3-4 games since V3 was announced and now. Tell me you guys have lives ag

Ok, that line/paragraph pissed me off bad.

Why? Because the reason V3 isn't done yet is more complex than the staff having lives! I'm going to compare V3 to something I know that is very similar: PLatformed.

The mistake both made is that we gave our creations TOO MUCH publicity, even if we didn't intend it. The wierd thing is, not many people think that when you get to a certain amount of publicity, you don't want to work. WELL, IT'S FUCKING TRUE. I know from experience. So to all of you complaining, have you ever considered that THE PUBLICITY THAT YOU GAVE V3 CAUSED IT TO BE DELAYED? The amount of publicity it gets from that, negative or positive, makes the creator uninspired to work on it in some cases.

To most of you, you don't understand how that is possible. Well, get it in your feeble brains. It's possible, and it happens. Don't say "Kenon doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about" either, because I do. Why do you think PLatformed has been delayed so much? Sure, I'm a procrastinator, but I can still devote time to it. I'm doing that with an unmentioned game right now. The problem I had is that I was only trying to make enough to publicize it further, and I felt uninspired.

So please, shut the fuck up unless you know what you are saying. I don't like ranting like this, but I felt I had to go ahead and say this, because no one has stated (in my knowledge) that the problem came from too much publicity and hype by 64digits itself. I admit I was one who was excited, and couldn't wait, but I don't fucking complain about it not being here. I have better things to do with my time, like rant about people who complain about V3 and delay games.

EDIT: GML brought up a good point, especially that publicity alone does not delay things. It requires something else typically, whether it be laziness or simply feeling it's too much to do. But publicity adds a huge amount of pressure to it alone, and by the amount of publicity v3 got, compared to v2 (v2's announcement was back in the ages of <500 people, before I came, so I'm only assuming) is a staggering difference.

EDIT 2: The point of this blog was to achieve a median of the opinions. I think we might have reached something along these lines:

The v3 makers made the original mistake, catching everyone in a Catch-22. The pressure was one contributing factor to delays, as well as probably laziness or sheer overwhelmment, caused the delays. Either way, v3 isn't out yet, and that's all that matters.


melee-master 17 years, 5 months ago

The publicity thing is very true.

KaBob799 17 years, 5 months ago

Although I do believe v3 should of been done or cancelled (and just continually update v2) long ago I also agree that something being too popular can make you want to work on it less.

twisterghost 17 years, 5 months ago

i h8 v3 b/c liek it doznt b maid yet lol

twisterghost 17 years, 5 months ago

Also, this is a side note that has nothing to do with the topic but…

It takes me more time to write like I did in that comment than it does for me to actually write out the words.

Josea 17 years, 5 months ago


Publicity is one factor, yeah, I used to think that.

Fact is that usually when someone gives publicity to a game he hans't finished, he's procrastinating. Yes, "Oh, my game, I should work on it…hmmm, I don't feel like working, let's make some publicity instead!".

Maybe your situation is different, maybe staff's situation is different, but from my experience, publicity DOESN'T DELAY STUFF. If you're lazy, or simply don't have enough interest in the project, with or without publicity the project will be delayed.

Hell, I'm getting out of the point, so, I'll be quick.

If you're freaking lazy (I'm not saying you are), hell, don't give publicity to a project you won't finish. If was your choice to get your fans excited with your publicity, now don't complain if you dissapointed them. Don't blame them, you shoudl clame yourself.

It is if the government said "We're going to build a highway, it'll be finished in 5 years", and 30 years later, it isn't finished. Don't say the publicity delayed the project, it is the government's inefficiency who delayed the project.

Kenon 17 years, 5 months ago

Huzzah! An opposing argument!


Publicity is one factor, yeah, I used to think that.

Fact is that usually when someone gives publicity to a game he hans't finished, he's procrastinating. Yes, "Oh, my game, I should work on it…hmmm, I don't feel like working, let's make some publicity instead!".

Maybe your situation is different, maybe staff's situation is different, but from my experience, publicity DOESN'T DELAY STUFF. If you're lazy, or simply don't have enough interest in the project, with or without publicity the project will be delayed.

Hell, I'm getting out of the point, so, I'll be quick.

If you're freaking lazy (I'm not saying you are), hell, don't give publicity to a project you won't finish. If was your choice to get your fans excited with your publicity, now don't complain if you dissapointed them. Don't blame them, you shoudl clame yourself.

It is if the government said "We're going to build a highway, it'll be finished in 5 years", and 30 years later, it isn't finished. Don't say the publicity delayed the project, it is the government's inefficiency who delayed the project.
Ouch. Hard to beat that. It is true that Publicity is only one factor. I'm just saying it's a pretty large factor. It doesn't delay on it's own, but it can build up stress and pressure that causes delays. A good number of us know that. I'll make an addendum to this. Of course, I'm not saying it's always going to happen that way, but I found it too similar with PLatformed to pass up this.

Cesar 17 years, 5 months ago

that WE gave V3? wow wow wow, hold up, you mean to say that we're the ones who kept on making blogs on what to suggest to V3 and that it's around the corner, and that downtime was actually V3 being released? Oh, and all the suggestions made it be uninspired? That a staff as a team is much harder to sway than a single person? Yeah, you're right Kenon. You're right, V3 is exactly like PLatformed. Especially the part of how your game is what you yourself design no matter of what people think and V3 is a website designed to make people stay.

Shork 17 years, 5 months ago

It's like cold fusion. It wouldn't have pissed anyone off if the guys who said they made it would have gone to the scientific community first and had it explained to them that they wrong. Instead, they took to the public and we wasted $5 million of our tax dollars researching bullshit.

The mods should have just made v3 and surprised us with it during one of the downtimes. If it sucked, they should have made v4 later. By telling us about it, we only complain about it more.

Kenon 17 years, 5 months ago

Quote: Irony Tree
that WE gave V3? wow wow wow, hold up, you mean to say that we're the ones who kept on making blogs on what to suggest to V3 and that it's around the corner, and that downtime was actually V3 being released? Oh, and all the suggestions made it be uninspired? That a staff as a team is much harder to sway than a single person? Yeah, you're right Kenon. You're right, V3 is exactly like PLatformed. Especially the part of how your game is what you yourself design no matter of what people think and V3 is a website designed to make people stay.
I can advertise a new game all I want, but that doesn't mean it gets publicity (Look at rail racer). Publicity is not what the maker does; it is how the public reacts. That is why there is the word "public" in it. Also, what can happen as a team can happen as if they were one person as well. The human psyche is wierd like that. I'm not saying suggestions made it like that, just the sheer amount. I don't think you've had such a feeling, as I don't think you even make things like games or websites that get any publicity whatsoever.

Kenon 17 years, 5 months ago

Not deleting that other comment.

The mods should have just made v3 and surprised us with it during one of the downtimes. If it sucked, they should have made v4 later. By telling us about it, we only complain about it more.
Forming a Catch-22 caused by the releasal of information of a v3, pushing the date back until they break the pressure mold and finally get it to the finish.