Fellow 64digitians, something has happened.. something that is tragic.
Zaney Boy, better known as Obelisk Affected, has come up missing. I was getting worried after not hearing word from him in 5 days. I decided to do some research on the matter.Talking to Asterisk and Zalerisk, I have found that he hasn't been in school since the 5th of October. Before the matter, Zane was talking about suicide alot. And I mean alot. He really couldn't take it it seemed. BTW, Zane is fine, and this whole blog is a hoax. If you don't catch this edit by ludamad you really aren't reading things before you comment.Now, I'm not saying he committed suicide, but there is definately a possibility. We don't know what's happened yet, but we can only assume the worst sometimes.-Kenon. Drenched in Cold Beer.EDIT: Since Ludamad is a cold man, I have to shamefully plug in more info about Zombeez.Zombeez now has a triangle feature, which I made overpowered at first. Now it's balanced. Adding in Turret, then making video #2. There are many positive reviews of it, especially from REZ and Aeron. Aeron is now doing the music since my musician is missing. Well, off to work on Zombeez.
@DF: Yeah, me too. =(
For a minute, I, too, thought this was a joke. But haven't they asked his parents yet?!If/when (let's think positively) he comes back, even to 64D…I feel like something more than a welcome is in place…Omfg…http://64digits.com/users/index.php?userid=Obelisk%20AffectedDoes that answer anything?Oh, and Luda seems to treat it with less seriousness. What the heck is going on?!To hell with that whiny emo kid, I hardly knew him anyway.
Wow luda. Joke or not, this is not the time or place.
Snowboarder: No posting potentially personal information.
Whoa…what happened there? One minute I'm here, the next…someone's banned.
Oh, good luck on your game, Kenon.I didn't think I posted personal stuff the second time. Please don't ban and/or kill me! I just Googled stuff!
Luda? Shut up or lose staffhood.
WTF dude y did you ban me. I just said it wasnt cool to make a joke about a serious issue, and that's bannable? WTF. The staff here is so fucked up.
If it was suicide, I'm sure the parents would have contacted the school and said so.
I suspect he's just been wagging school, frankly it's common enough in schools anyway.Not to sound cruel, but it is a possibility that they have not yet found a body, and his current status is "missing."