In this blog, post GML that is definately useless.
like this:Script:<font color=purple>sprite_switch</font>(<font color=blue>sprite</font>)——————————————————————————–<font color=green>/*Created by Kenon. Useless. So don't use it. Unless you want to.*/</font><font color=blue>sprite_index</font>=<font color=blue>argument0</font>——————————————————————————–OK? Now.. post useless codes. And I will give you a yen.<font size=1 color=white>minus shipping and handling</font>
*/ I like Candy, indeed. */x += 4-4;}//created by me. I could care less if you used it. In fact, if you od, dont give me credit.
// Put it in the step eventx += x-xy += y-yThis will add to everyone's favorite part of the game: lag! As featured in Halo!{
/* So, what you will do with this is absolutely… Nothing*/}Nice on, Etpayn. Halo for the lose! :P
if x=x
game_end()I think something like this would belong in the forum games section. =P
But, I'll let it stay.<pre>var rm; rm = forum_games;room = rm;game_end();</pre>{
if 7=4{game_explode()}}mplay_do_nothing_and_freeze_up_and_shit(argument0)
^suprisingly, that sums up every mplay attempt I've ever had.