Language time: Uskali

Posted by MahFreenAmeh on Feb. 15, 2007, 9:14 p.m.

Yes. I don't know when to stop. But I've been working on this for exactly not one day.


A - fAll

Ä - lAY

B - By

D - Dine

E - hE

Ë - sEt

F - Fan

G - Game

H - Heart

I - mY

J - John

L - miLl

M - Moon

N - mooN

O - tOE

Ö - shAll

P - Pie

R - Run

S - miSt

T - hiT

U - mOOn

Ü - sUdden

W - Vine

X - kiCK

Z - Zen

CH - hitCH

OI - tOY

AI - mY

GG - thiNG


Word order: Subject-Verb-Object

Language style: Agglutinative (words seperated with örä)

Pronouns - BASE

Ggal - First person

Foi - Second Person

Cha - Third Person (Masc.)

Chai - Third Person (Fem.)

Choi - Third Person (Neu.)

To form the other forms of the pronouns, you tack an affix on. For the accusative form, you add -bt to the end, for the dative form, you add -roi to the end, for possessive, add -tai, and, for the plural forms, add Ri- to the beginning.


Forms: Nominative, Accusative, Dative, Possessive

Nominative: -0 (No change)

Accusative: -të

Dative: -ör

Possessive: -jën

Plural: Än-


All verbs end in -zin.

Conjugation chart:

1st: -chä

2nd: -voi

3rd: -ras

Forms of a verb: Negative, Absolutive, Dubitative, Imperative, Plural, and Tense Modified.

Added onto conjugation:

Plural (For 1st, 2nd, and 3rd plural conjugations) - Vtö-

Past: -xë

Future: -roi

Added onto base verb:

Negative: Paha-

Absolutive: Ter-

Dubitative: Oi-

Imperative: Oita-

Reflexive pronouns: Add -öflix to pronoun

Seperable Prefixes (begin with prepositions): Order is: SVOP (Subject-Verb-Object-Preposition/Prefix)


No special rules. Affixes are added to adjectives, but they match the affixes of the noun which the adjective modifies.

Adverbial suffix: -öfnü

Comparative: -ür

Superlative: -zür

To compare two objects, put Zën in between the objects to be compared, as in English:

The egg is bigger than the dust



NUMBERS - Cardinal

Wä - One

Du - Two

Xrü - THree

Föl - Four

Has - Five

Sept - Six

Ölos - Seven

Ëp - Eight

Nüs - Nine

Sur - 10

Wärt - 11

Durt - 12

Xrürt - 13

Dusxi - 20

Dusxiöwä - 21

Xüns - 100

Zevoi - 1000

Baiv - 1000000

Ordinal: attach -ötäsi to the end.


Üfni - Out

Üsal - Besides

Voil - By

Chor - With

Zoi - After

Stex - Since

Xoi - Before

Dür - To

Des - Until

Tör - Through

Wrem - For

Tev - Against

Wedut - Without

Örst - Around

Örë - At

Ëta - On

Betö - Behind

Öwe - In

Näxtë - Next (to)

Otor - Over

Zonda - Under

Tës - Before

Ëtoi - Between

Conjunctions/Interrogatives/Et cetera

Xör - What

Xayäti - Like (comparing two objects)

Wüch - Who

Xaze - When

Të - Where

Wächta - Why

Xä - How

Ö - And

Ötëp - Or

Zöv - As soon as…

Xrët - Until

Zörä - Because

Tnël - On the contrary…

Tën - THere (Expressing no motion)

Davar - There (Expressing motion)

Tös - When

Zöl - So that…

Doi - That…

Naxta - After…

Zörtet - As long as…

Wato - If

Mexer - Yes

Nexer - No

Ggacha - Hello

Voicha - Goodbye

Days of the week

Xontax - Sunday

Wätax - Monday

Doistax - Tuesday

Mesatax - Wednesday

Xätax - Thursday

Fintax - Friday

Näktëtax - Saturday


Wolozin - To follow

Wätäfozin - To worship

Dayrayzin - To drive/To ride

Xozin - To befriend

Rözin - To be

Toizin - To do

Zatarzin - To kill

Hözin - To make

Züzin - To hurt

Verzin - To exist

Zatarazin - To wield

Örësmaizin - To slash at

Gezin - To hear

Hazin - To have

Hatazin - To hurry

Wezin - To run

Lösarzin - To walk

Wayzin - To know

Chorwayzin - To be acquainted with

Layzin - TO like

Wolizin - To want

Mozin - To have to, must

Zëzin - To be able to, can

Zerayzin - To destroy

Pözin - To play

Eradisiuzin - To eradicate

Ötefizin - To fease

Örësrözin - To call

Zäzin - To summon

Watarazin - To wet

Uzin - To practice

Zähzin - To count

Gezazin - To sing

Xonoxzin - To wield

Xayruzin - To travel

Spuraxzin - To speak

Sundezin - To sin

Zayätzin - To see

Örëszayätzin - To look at

Waylatizin - To watch

Zëtzin - To sit

Ëtazëtzin - To sit on

Ëtaanzin - To put on (sth.)

Xetayzin - To dance

Exazin - To eat

Frezin - To devour

Lözirzin - To laugh

Sumayzin - To smile

Kamfizin - To fight

Texayzin - To save

Worozin - To work


Tax - Day

Mäta - Human

Hära - Hair

Saro - Animal

Wëmak - Weapon

Xose - Sword

Xurösö - Grass

Laxtare - Language

Sutepu - Ship

Hotoro - Horse

Xanän - Dog

Xarat - Cat

Xorpa - Body

Maxixa - Magick

Asagtot - God/Angel

Xuter - Devil/Demon

Bäker - Book

Hön - Hand

Jayn - Hen

Ëkrusta - Eye

Nätä - Nose

Nätäöpla - Nostril

Pla - Part

Taxin - Thing

Ötima - Automobile

Töstara - Car

Sxetan - Skin

Xenter - Match

Vexeri - Fire

Zaxsifo - Music

Xalaxatari - Death

Layhä - Life

Ma - Male/Man

Masama - Female/Woman

Xama - Boy

Xasama - Girl

Lixt - Light

Zonä - Sun

Mudä - Moon

Xass - Class

Xuchü - Chair

Desutu - Desk

Paxanti - Painting

Sabasu - Brush

Hitoji - Rabbit


Finëri - Last

Wätachi - First

Dutachi - Second (Add -tachi after number to do such.)

Xöd - Good

Bter - Bad

Tazta - Short

Xorse - Long

Rösa - Red

Jäna - Blue

Rinxi - Orange

Sutalo - Yellow

Gäsän - Green

Lix - Light (Color)

Dasx - Dark (Color)

Suwë - Light

Dönxal - Dark

Ax - Light(weight)

Swër - Heavy

Betala - Big

Xayn - Small

Grita - Greedy/Selfish

Zoxem - Selfless

Mesa - Middle

Linx - Left

Rexeta - Right

Opali - Up

Xeton - Down

Aynsa - Inside

Ötärisi - Outside

Siggara - Holy

Xolixt - Human

As I often say… This is nowhere near done.


Amarin 18 years ago

Wow… impressive… you really do have lots of time on your hands. Well-structured too.

MahFreenAmeh 18 years ago

Yes, I have lots of time. I was thinking about making it VOS, like my most recent languages, but most people tend to find that difficult.

KaBob799 18 years ago

One time I got bored in spanish class, however only a bit of it has survived in the form of a translator I made. muahaha

Cesar 18 years ago

zomg, awesome

Xxypher 18 years ago


i remember seeing soemthing like this on another site…

MahFreenAmeh 18 years ago

MrPacman: Yes.

bob799: No.

MahFreenAmeh 18 years ago

Xxypher: Stop smoking crack.

Amarin 18 years ago

@bob799: Yole tor bon cam belong fuo us!

ludamad 18 years ago

Mahfreenameh hazin vtöxazetax xorta.

xazetax is my word for time in your language, and I decided it is plural when talking about an amount of it. Bite me. Xorta is also my word for an execessive amount of. I'm not sure if I'd structure this that way according to your rules even making up two words xD

s 18 years ago
