New avatar! Also cars!
All my games, examples, and old images are deleted off of 64Digits? WRRRYYYYYYYYYYYY???!!?/butthurtAh well, I'll just have to fill it up with more awesome content that is soon to be completed! Ever had troubles with walls? Did you ever wish for smooth wall sliding, pixel perfect collisions, …This time for sure!
It's been… How long? Long enough for me to be an old fart, that's a definite yes.
That, and I'm now 19, in my finale College year, and I've got quite allot of projects that I am planning to release today - it's been far too long since I last …~I'm BACK~
Whooo! Thankuu Obelisk! Righto. Now that i'm back - I can upload a demo of Robaki! The first one! No weapons yet, but the worm digging ninja-rope etc are COMPLETE!
I went on a holiday aswell! I rode a horse, his name was Bo. He was a very nice horse …~Yay Physics Book~
Today I found my physics book, and my mum agreed to helping me out with physics things, so I am going to make a physics engine. :D
It's like, this thick(3 inches to be precise)It is going to be written for one of my games that I am …~Zombie Sticks D:~
Heya pplz! My second game has been uploaded, now there is propper blood and gore - a good level, and better animations!!!
Vista and XP compatible version are both included in the zip. :D Stick Zombie Game!Doing moar work at school, nothing much else - whut do you think …~YAYFIRSTGAME~
Heya pplz! First game (w00t). Time to throw about the confetti and bring out the ice-cream cake!
I luv ice-cream <3 :3I have been doing quite alot of work lately, but not too much! Well, just enough to get ideas and stuff.I dont know what else to say… …~StickmanGUNS~
Check it out, what do you think? Spent an our pixelling these guns last night - posting the image here to show the rest of 64digits of my spriting skills! :D

Umm… yeah - at least 85% of the worlds western population has seen stick fights (on for example), with stick figures massacreing each other in bloody battles. :D
I recently wrote a small mini game called "stick-gauntlet". Although it is far from finnished - and not the design idea …