
Posted by Majatek on Oct. 11, 2010, 3:41 p.m.

As a result, I managed to advance with my car game - physics are completed (Not collision physics, just so that you know), a replay function is added (Records your time/race, so that you can later on load your "Ghost car" from a file) and A.I. has been fully integrated.

It looks way more impressive when you actually race against the AI - they stick to the track extremely well (Even if they have the same physics as you - no railroad "follow path" cheating crap here) and if they spin off/crash, they will try to reverse, turn, and drive back onto the course.

But the project's design isn't final - the art will be replaced by spriteart that I have done, as this is my final year's project that I have to complete in about 4 weeks.

It will include:

  • Arcade mode, with a small amount of cars and tracks to choose from.

  • GT mode, where you have to buy your cars which unlocks extra cars for arcade mode. The further into your campaign, the more tracks you will unlock for Arcade mode, too.

  • Timetrail mode, where you race against the clock, or against existing ghost-car data that will be included with the game, or against your friend's ghost car data (You are able to save ghost car data into a file, and even upload it to the internet).

    Also, the game will be styled after MASHED, Gran Turismo 1 and Micro Machines. There will be many sub-modes for races (Like a points tug-o-war, for example)

    Got suggestions? Tell me! I would like to try and make this game as fun as possible.
  • Comments

    noshenim 14 years, 4 months ago

    The track looks a bit blurry, but the cars and shadows look great. I want to see this in motion; make a demo!

    It looks too similar to dozens of other games, so please try to make it unique in some big ways…

    Majatek 14 years, 4 months ago

    The track looks blurry, because it's a crappy low-res attempt at making a road. It was in fact made for one of my pixel-games, and here it is scaled up.

    Put simply, it's used as a permanent placeholder - Meaning, if the project was to stay like that screenshot (In terms of graphics) I would have certainly changed the road by now. But, seeing as I'm making another pixel game, I don't need to change it :P

    And yes, those car sprites are overused. I've noticed that on the GMC and everywhere else (Which is why I'm making my own sprites).

    Also, the shadows are actually onionskinned cars turned black - but it's done in such a way so that if I draw it in a sequence, along a direction, it will look like it's 3D. Oldest trick in my book :3

    Lapixx 14 years, 4 months ago

    You forgot to mention the zombie mode. Right? :P

    Majatek 14 years, 4 months ago


    How would that work?

    Majatek 14 years, 4 months ago

    I had things to update on.

    Now I have nothing to update with :V

    Also, not my fault that sir Xemic screwed the formatting with 64Digits - I've got nothing to do with the fact that merged news posts don't merge on the front page.


    Majatek 14 years, 4 months ago


    Ferret 14 years, 4 months ago

    That sounds awesome :D

    Majatek 14 years, 4 months ago


    Car physics collisions are fully complete :D

    You can now spin out the opposition - but watch out, as the enemy cars can spin you out too~

    That, and I've begun my graphics overhaul.

    One of the track/level designs will feature a micro-machines styled environment. In this particular track, you will be racing as micro machines on a slot car track. The main obstacle is a slot car that is four times the size of your micro machine (Understandably) and races in the OPPOSITE direction (Headlong into you, and every other racer!). Each lap, that slot car hits a track-switch piece at which point it swaps lanes - you must be careful and think ahead to make sure that you don't crash right into the bigger, faster, menacing slot car.

    Moikle 14 years, 4 months ago

    cool, but i dont like that dust effect.

    Majatek 14 years, 4 months ago

    Thanks, but good going, saying that to a picture that doesn't show how well it looks like in real time.

    Besides, It's not really anything so far. I'm changing alot of things, and I am going to make the smoke more dense/toony.