Here's a short little song I made for my jungle based game. I may use it for an intro/cutscene.
Created with Anvil Studio.Falling FruitThat was my first real attempt at writing music. I'm pretty happy with how it came out, even though it is somewhat repetitive, and annoying. …Sloth (cont.)
New game in development.
v.1 of walking animation:
By who you ask?The noob shank who invented the Video DirectX Access virus. What did it do, you say?It caused my computer to go in a never ending spiral, of desktop refreshing and ultimately causing me to go into the fetal position for …I ♥ HAVING SAX
Useless PicsPics to keep this blog a little less boring:Parts of Pierre's Cafe's Exterior

[mush] SODAH!
Last week I attempted to make homemade soda which was pretty fun. I set up a whole soda making system which involved plastic tubes, white colored powders, Sodium metabisulfite, and an assembly line of servants. The whole thing looked like some sort of low budget cocaine operation.
How to …[mush]THE LOWER 48!
I'm finally back from Alaska! I can see a lot has happened since I was gone, especially the new search blog feature, which is pretty cool. I also got about +50 hits and +3 friends, which is kind of weird. I'm curious who added me, so whoever you are please …
-This is the basic layout of the interface of Pierre's Cafe (when you select the fridge and making an omelet):