Useless PicsPics to keep this blog a little less boring:
Parts of Pierre's Cafe's Exterior
Pierre's CafeOverall - 69% :P
-Inventory - 100%
-Timer - 100%
-Skill Point System - 50%
-Intro - 10%
-Graphics - 30%
(I made up the percentages (so they're wrong))
I Love SaxI just joined my school's "pep band" which should be pretty fun. We play at home sports game and other noted school events. The only thing I'm worried about is 4 hour sessions (whoever plays a woodwind or brass instrument knows what I'm talking about)
Filler - Questionnaire1. Is this the first time you've heard of me?
2. What instrument (if any) do you play?
3. Have you used this questionnaire as an opportunity to spam?
2.E-Bass3.Yes (Look at my Project ) [:D]1. No
2. Bass Guitar3. No…Fuck it, why would I pass up a chance to spam? http://nicktm.firephoenixnet.com/1. Yes
2. None3. Yes1. You're like a god…
2. I think everyone knows by now: Trumpet, baritone horn, guitar3. I'm a good boy.Most band directors are crazy. Keep that in mind.1. Yes
2. Violin3. OMFG PWNAGE!1) No.
2) You can't make me.3) Duh.1. No.
2. Guitar, piano. And I sing.3. Yeah. Sorry.1) no.
2) Drums3) hmmmmm… that's a tricky one XD!! I once got blamed for bieng a dup (which i'm not!) and spamming (which I didn't know i was doing!)With this amount of people they play an instrument we can open a band. [:)]