Art Blog #2

Posted by Mush on Dec. 29, 2009, 8:10 p.m.

I've been making some more sprites for an Advance Wars type game. Here's a helicopter:

Still needs blades and such.

Also I made a Secret Santa gift for someone at Pixelation. My secret santa-ee requested a NES mock up with a hot scientist girl and a dog with floppy ears wearing aviator garb. So that's what I did:

Screw thumbnails.


Glen 15 years ago

LOL. Nice mock up. XD Funny.

DesertFox 15 years ago



NeutralReiddHotel 15 years ago

oshi- that's amazing. I used to work with 8-bit graphics a while ago and this looks pretty damn awesome (it wouldn't run on the NES because of the details but who cares)

Toast 15 years ago

Yeah, why DO people care if NES-style mockups would actually work on a NES? It's like making a modern Black and White film and someone saying "Well actually in the days of B&W film it wouldn't quite look like this". Who gives a shit? [/rant]

Anyway, Nice art there. Considering that helicopter is of the same or better quality than the ones on Advance Wars, you could be doing this for a living, methinks.