best external resources script

Posted by NeutralReiddHotel on Nov. 20, 2015, 5:11 p.m.

so i released my game right

and a bunch of my subs complained about the midi music i used to replace the .mp3's i was playing. i decided to use midis because fuck that! my game is a game maker project! hell, the FANGAMES that i played that inspired me to make THIS game used MIDIS! best sounds ever and they're nostalgic to me for that reason. i thought they were going to sound so sick. i thought that it would give my game an interesting sound.

it doesn't. they suck.

so i added all the mp3's. i've spent the past few hours hunting down extended versions of the real-life game boy sounds from mp3's so they sound proper. each is around 8-10 minutes each, and are at 128kbps. holy shit these are going to stack up… and i only have added around 20 songs. with the whole game soundtrack these things are gonna blow up my game. not to mention not everyone is gonna want to download 100mb for a Pokemon Red/Blue clone.

so i wanted to make external resources the main method of loading these huge songs. without the songs in the .exe, the file itself would be around 7mb. with the songs i PREDICT 100mb, but idk.

do any of you have experience with this? or can point me to a tutorial?

inb4 hur dur use google. i'm asking for experiences, and it's not like 64Digits is super busy doing anything else anyway.


Phoebii 9 years, 3 months ago

Right now in Sector Six I have 143 MB of OGG sound effects and music, but game size is still 23 MB. About 15 MB or more is graphics.

This will explain better than I would: GameMaker documentation

Astryl 9 years, 3 months ago

I think Mega was developing one a while back.
Still have it. Works for any non-Studio version of GM and can play most emulated formats (Including the GB formats). If you can get the right versions of the sounds/music, you can use the DLL I made.

DLL + Examples (I think, haven't messed around with this in a while):

Gatete 9 years, 3 months ago

I used Caster on my previous projects.

It's easier to use than GMFMOD Simple IMO.

NeutralReiddHotel 9 years, 3 months ago

i don't think i'll be able to find the original game boy sound files properly, cause i would need all of them plus i wanted to add some custom music that's mp3 only. i think this day and age, 100mb is not a big deal and people can proceed to crying about it if they don't want to download it. although i appreciate the suggestions guys… i still MIGHT give the gb sounds a try if i'm not too happy with the mp3's later on.

mega… that link has a gmk for GM8 but the example doesn't load. gives me an error.

zuurix… idk if sounds are stored differently in game maker studio but I'm using GM8… and the sounds are stored both in the gmk file AND the exe.\

and gatete i'll look into that if the filesize for these mp3's aren't so huge… cause if they are i might as well go with OGGs