T__T I can't stand it..

Posted by Pandaroo_Fang on Feb. 9, 2006, 8:27 p.m.

I'm sorry for the short blog, if it turns out to be one…. but this is driving me craaaazzzyy!!!! I can't think or concentrate….damn dry spell is driving me insane!!! I can't write, I can't come up with anything… and If I do come up with something later on I just feel it's a retarted idea and just…don't write. I hate it >.<;;;; ahhhh I feel like screaming! T__T

Slowly starting to despise my own writing… my friend said I should probably write something NOT about vampires, and she's probably right, vampires always seem to be my center of attention. And I have a non-vampire idea but right now I just feel like it's….eh…kinda..stupid. I can probably wait it out but…gah I need to write!!! >.<;;;

I'm sorry for complaining v.v; just driving me crazy…

As for P.S. I have two commissions in waiting from two friends…. I don't know why o_O guess they liked the stuff I did and want me to edit pictures for them. One friend wants Ram horns on the sides of his head, sooo I might need a bit of help on that (membrain :D lol) aand then my other friend has a picture of her moms dog (mom passed away) and wants me to do something with it. Think I'll put pretty angelic wings on the dog or something, not sure yet. But yeah, but again…i'm currently completely uninspired aaand my mouse is acting up, hence both preventing me from doing anything.

On better news: I finally recived the "Congrats" letter through email from my Junior college I'm going to. I had sent my application and signature in (I enrolled online) a while ago and recived nothing but then I emailed them and I got my letter today ^-^ so joy, I'm set. Just waiting till May for the Fall classes to come out so I can get them and finished. Excited, but scared >.<

………*sigh*…I wanna write…


Pandaroo_Fang 19 years ago


e_e hush or you shall end with the same fate as my pillow…mwahahahaha!

Kaz 19 years ago

How did you even get that? Its a GM joke…

chicklet 19 years ago

aw… im too late:( *tucks chains away* … in other news, killing pillows (and or raping them) does not help the writing process as much as previously thought. scientists now suggest writing a short story of our meeting and of course, the almighty "*poke*" … good times:) … what were you saying?

ludamad 19 years ago

He like women that are not women, or alternatively, women with penises.

Thanks for the informative post Chickenlittle.

Kaz 19 years ago

Ok thats better than what I had =P

Kaz 19 years ago

Wait Vania has a penis!! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

My plan has failed! What plan you ask? How the hell should I know?

Pandaroo_Fang 19 years ago

lol mmm not..into stories..of that sort angela..sorreh.

And get what? I'm just talking about murdering and violating my pillow… :3

EDIT: if you referring to the "woman" thing… I was actually repsonding to melee lol…

Pandaroo_Fang 19 years ago

Mwahaha yes, you all fear myhiddenmanpenis :3

ludamad 19 years ago

BTW, ! before something means not in GML. So he said he like not women xD

Pandaroo_Fang 19 years ago

Ahhh ok, i get iiiiit x3