Sector Six version 0.3.0 is now available!

Posted by Phoebii on Dec. 6, 2015, 6:56 a.m.

After six months of updates, Sector Six returns bigger, faster and better!

New interfaces.

I have completely reworked all interfaces, including battle HUD and main menu!

Now interfaces are easier to use, provide more information and are more aesthetically pleasing!


Old information system has been replaced with achievements! …

Version 0.3.0 announcement!

Posted by Phoebii on Nov. 29, 2015, 1:21 p.m.

Game is now ready to be played, now I only need to prepare for release!

The official release date is next Sunday, December 6th!

Get ready!

What's new in Sector Six version 0.3.0:

New GUI.

New music and sounds.

Escort missions.

​Resurrection missions.

Improved etalons.

Hard mode.


Improved alloy …

Struggling with game logo

Posted by Phoebii on Nov. 26, 2015, 4:19 p.m.

Oldest logo.

I like it, but it's unimpressive and unprofessional…

The idea was to make game logo out of the game itself.

Idea is good, but it's black and looks bad if background is not white.

Mix between two previous ideas.

Crazy shapes plus extreme black and white contrast hurts …

Echo #16

Posted by Phoebii on Nov. 22, 2015, 9:28 a.m.

My fight with vicious, expanding to-do list is almost over!

Perhaps this is the last echo before the release of Sector Six 0.3.0?

Update repairing minions.

Fix Almadi databases.

Fix death on tutorial.

Fix spaceship part tooltips.

Fix map tooltips.

Update enemy traits.

Fix chase sequence on story mission I. …

Echo #15

Posted by Phoebii on Nov. 15, 2015, 9:04 a.m.

Week is almost over, so let's take a look at the list from echo #14 and cross out things I've done:

​Update repairing minions.

Fix Almadi databases.

Fix death on tutorial.

Fix spaceship part tooltips.

Fix map tooltips.

Add image of item above tooltip of that item.

Update enemy traits. …

Echo #14

Posted by Phoebii on Nov. 8, 2015, 5:04 p.m.

This week I have…

Updated tutorial! Now it's less confusing and has a boss fight!

Changed boss AI to make boss fights more dramatic.

​​Improved dialogue.

Improved achievement interface.

Added Aspil region background!

Renamed region from Abandoned Line to Defense Line.

Renamed cover minion to tank.

​Since tutorial is done, …

Echo #13

Posted by Phoebii on Nov. 1, 2015, 4:26 p.m.

This week I was working on new tutorial.

I haven't finished updating it, because I was busy IRL and also because making tutorial is really hard!

It is so because I need to lock all features except those I want player to do during tutorial.

Also it must be fun, …

Echo #12

Posted by Phoebii on Oct. 25, 2015, 4:53 p.m.

This week I have made the huge step towards making war in the Sector Six feel alive!

Usually when you are told in games that there's war going on, it doesn't really happen.

There might be few cutscenes, burning buildings and corpses, but I think it's not enough.

So, I …

Echo #11

Posted by Phoebii on Oct. 18, 2015, 12:54 p.m.

Done a lot this week, release day of version 0.3.0 is getting closer and closer!

This week I have…

​Decreased chance of getting higher rarity parts with weapon properties.

Decreased chance of getting part safes from ruins.

Increased amount of XP required to level up.

Changed few achievements.

​Changed basic …

Echo #10

Posted by Phoebii on Oct. 11, 2015, 9:15 a.m.

This week I have…

Decreased small enemy armour.

Increased large enemy armour.

Balanced part rarity.

Updated enemy AI.

Updated etalon part naming! Now etalon parts have really cool names.

Changed alloy container refill prices.

Tweaked screen shaking to be more eye pleasing.

Updated Almadi database unlocking animation.

Fixed few issues …