Echo #24: Huge step forward

Posted by Phoebii on Feb. 14, 2016, 2:27 p.m.

This week was very good for Sector Six, because I have managed to implement key remapping or as I call it, control customization system, bring back ether to the game and began updating technology interface.

I also ran few long tests and I was very happy to find out, that …

Echo #23: A quiet week

Posted by Phoebii on Feb. 7, 2016, 2:40 p.m.

This week was rather quiet. Didn't got much time to work and even when I did, I couldn't work for long, because I was tired. Long story short, last school semester sucks.

Anyway, this week I have updated the way part stats are displayed on panel next to building field. …

Echo #22: Difficulty, weapons and future

Posted by Phoebii on Jan. 31, 2016, 7:36 a.m.

This week I have added two new awesome abilities and began tweaking game difficulty.

Since the new combat test release last Sunday, combat test version has been downloaded about 50 times!

However, only few people have given me feedback about new combat system.

This is what information I have received: …

Need help!

Posted by Phoebii on Jan. 24, 2016, 11:55 a.m.

I have just released new Sector Six combat test version, I want for people to test new combat and tell me what they think about it.

Ferret and Reiddsan! You both have said that Sector Six combat sucks, so it would be really interesting for me to hear what you …

Echo #21: New combat test is coming!

Posted by Phoebii on Jan. 17, 2016, 1:22 p.m.

Combat overhaul is going very well!

This week I have modernized veteran and implemented shielding ability.

New veteran has six breakable segments - two small cannons in front and four side protrusions.

Cannons fire missiles and soak damage, while protrusions are veteran's weak spot.

Destroying protrusions is hard, but it's …

Echo #20

Posted by Phoebii on Jan. 10, 2016, 2:38 p.m.

This week I have began to work on attributes!

Sector Six attributes aren't traditional RPG attributes, because what's the fun in making system that was made million times before?

Current Sector Six version has two passive abilities.

Attributes work like passive abilities, players have to spend technology points to upgrade …

Echo #19

Posted by Phoebii on Jan. 3, 2016, 1:05 p.m.

​First echo about combat overhaul!

It wasn't easy to start updating combat…

I wasn't sure about control scheme, enemy armour pieces and other things.

Decisions were hard to make and codes were hard to write.

But I've spend many, many hours and everything worked out.

I've broke my personal development …

Update! New save system and small fixes

Posted by Phoebii on Dec. 27, 2015, 7:45 a.m.

Another update is here!

The most important change is the new save system, better than old save system in every aspect.

First, it should work for everyone.

Old save system had odd habit of not working for no clear reason.

I hope the new one will work for everyone!

Second, …

Echo #18

Posted by Phoebii on Dec. 20, 2015, 3:41 p.m.

After a week of work, new save system is almost complete!

And that’s basically it, I don’t have anything else to show you guys! Hang in there, update is coming!

Echo #17

Posted by Phoebii on Dec. 13, 2015, 11 a.m.

'Ello all!

This week I've began to work on new save system!

New system already saves and loads player spaceship, inventory and abilities.

When it will save and load everything, I'll be doing small improvements to the game:

  • I'll change hard mode amplifiers, you will be able to apply only …