Echo #9

Posted by Phoebii on Oct. 4, 2015, 12:03 p.m.

New region resurrection mission has been implemented!

To complete resurrection mission, player has to destroy 15 ruins, then wait for the Elder Mechanism to resurrect the region.

During resurrection, that takes 60 seconds, player will be constantly attacked by the revenants.

Revenants are new enemies, that explode, if they aren't …

Echo #7 Competition edition!

Posted by Phoebii on Sept. 20, 2015, 3:19 p.m.

This week I have…

Upgraded random item engine!

Implemented many new part sprites.

Added new weapon that will be usable after combat overhaul.

Increased experience bonus on parts.

Decreased maximum ether bonus on parts.

Decreased reflection chance on parts.

Decreased ether generation per second on parts.

Decreased ether gained on …

Echo #6

Posted by Phoebii on Sept. 13, 2015, 5:06 p.m.

After two or so months of work, interface overhaul is finally over!

Now I am going to work on content!

This week I have…

Added screen shaking effect!

Added pulsars to Pulsar Alpha and Pulsar Beta regions.

Increased game speed to 60 frames per second!

Fixed serious issue with the …

Echo #5

Posted by Phoebii on Sept. 9, 2015, 3:42 p.m.

Posted it now because site was down on Sunday.

This week I have…

Slightly improved Niss region background.

Removed annoying enemy trait: Spawns heavy when destroyed.

Added new exciting enemy trait: 10% chance to explode when hit.

Added new buttons for quickly muting/maximizing sound/music volume.

Added XP pop-ups.

Added backgrounds …

Echo #4

Posted by Phoebii on Aug. 30, 2015, 5:02 p.m.

I hope you guys aren't tired of these!

This week I have…

Updated dialogue interfaces.

Updated dialogues.

Updated achievement text.

Updated ruin sprites.

Changed few things in story mission 1.

Improved message system.

Added frames around buttons in settings, credits and reward interface.

Added new spaceship, demolisher, that you can …

Echo #3

Posted by Phoebii on Aug. 23, 2015, 3:20 p.m.

Good news, like always!

Interfaces are almost complete and I have already added some of new content planned for this version.

This week I have…

Updated part sprites.

Updated Blighted Remains region sprite.

Polished interfaces.

Finished HUD!

Added escort missions!

Added Pale Moon region background.

Added new music tracks!

Added …

Echo #2

Posted by Phoebii on Aug. 16, 2015, 4:14 p.m.


I haven't done much, but now I'm even closer to finishing interfaces. I was planning to finish HUD this week, but, thanks to beavers, this didn't happened.

This week I have…

Changed laser collision particle.

Changed bitter minion shooting animation.

Changed bitter minion name to probe.

Improved HUD.

Added …

Echo #1

Posted by Phoebii on Aug. 9, 2015, 5:27 a.m.

'Ello all!

From now on, every Sunday I'll post a news article, echo, in which I'll write what I've done with Sector Six!

I've decided to do it, because I felt I wasn't active enough.

This week I have…

Updated options interface, now you can adjust both sound and music …

How I created logo that generates 442 armour on kill!

Posted by Phoebii on July 24, 2015, 1:03 a.m.

Ever since I created first Sector Six logo, I knew I'll have to make better one. I was thinking to ask some professional artist to do this, but then I got awesome idea - create logo using Sector Six spaceship editor!

So, I set starter level to 100 for part …

Sector Six has been updated!

Posted by Phoebii on June 6, 2015, 11:19 a.m.

So much has been improved and added! New way to heal, story missions, new interfaces, abilities, enemies, changes to game engine, graphic improvements, change log is massive!

Bosses now have more interesting attacks and slightly less armour.

Introduction has been updated.

Game is now side-scrolling!

Enemies no longer are level …