Terriaria 1.2 is coming out soon, and members here supposedly want to have a marathon when it does. To be topical, here are some screenshots of my pre-hardmode Terraria world, which I poured a lot of time into a few weeks ago.

My small house with a toggleable entrance to an underground bunker hidden in the graveyard.

The crafting station.

An obsidian temple embedded in the mountain.

A mineshaft.

Levitating boss arena.
Here is the full tour of the world, which shows a lot of builds that I haven't posted here. I submitted this album to the Terraria Subreddit, and it became the 2nd highest rated post there, which I'm proud of.
Dots? Lines?Here's something I should have posted at the beginning of the year, around the time they were completed; three pieces of art, each featuring a different style of pattern.

I spent over 40 hours drawing roughly 120,000 dots. You can click the image for a high-res image showing all of the dots, although it's much more captivating in person!
Detail/process pic so you know it's legit.

Click for high-res. Basically, using the same dimensions as the first piece, I drew a bunch of vertical lines to produce another intriguing effect. This didn't take as long to produce as the first piece; roughly only 6 hours.

Click for high-res. Here I drew a pattern of several tiny bubbles (or circles). Took me about 20 hours.
Process pic.I did all of these over the course of about 6 months, and I like how they turned out. I'm extending the series by working on two more pieces which use a checkerboard pattern, and tiny lines of text as their makeup.
That aside, I recently finished this drawing, inspired by the odd forms found in Australian indigenous art.
ThingsI've been spending most of my time at my first year of uni, playing Dark Souls, FEZ and a number of other other games, and producing art that is hardly interesting; something I do in an attempt to hone my artistic skills. Anatomy is hard; I can spend days doing sketches and studies and I still feel as though I've barely made progress.
Another thing: I'm working on editing the 1.6 Marathon video, but on top of that would still like to get footage of us fighting the Ender Dragon, if possible. So… those of you who want to fight the dragon, are you free next weekend? I'll make a new blog post in a few days regarding that, if people are up for it.
Peace out.
@Hel - I have considered it, but I don't think I have a decent avenue for promoting and selling my art, and I don't produce enough (like, I could open an etsy or something, but wouldn't get much traffic without extensive self-marketing). I might give it a shot later on, but I think I'd like to get some pieces in a show, or have an exhibition, first.
@Rez - Yeah, I get that, it's probably the least rewarding area of art for me, though. Now, perspective; perspective is my bitch.@Everyone else - Thanks for the feedback! I'd like to be more experimental with my art and produce more to show, if my time will allow it. As for the FEZ2 cancellation and all of that; It's all a bit off-putting. The situation is just a mixing pot of immaturity and unprofessionalism (Fish's comments, Beer's comments, the community's reaction, etc). I wonder if Phil is putting up a stink to cause more controversy for his next game (be it FEZ or something else), but to me, the reaction to Fish's antics by the media and community is an example of how atrociously bad they are.they're updating Terraria? i could have sworn i heard that the devs were finished with it a while back…
is that… is that it's penis?@Death - Sure is.
@Hel - That sounds pretty cool! In the meantime I have to actually produce some more stuff… hrmm…