Fashion, Baby!

Posted by Praying Mantis on Feb. 21, 2015, 7:06 a.m.

So here's the deal: the uniform for my job is just a white shirt and an apron. My shirts get old and dirty so I go through a lot of them. I decided instead of throwing them away I would draw on them for fun, which made for a good activity to do while podcast listening.

The first one turned out quite well:

Because of how well it turned out, I decided to buy some nice fabric markers that wouldn't fade as quickly when washed (up to this point I had just been using a sharpie), and buy some fresh shirts to work on. So since then I've been really into creating my own psychedelic t-shirt designs.

As well as doing other stuff like drawing on my old shoes.

I'm looking to get a good screen-printing set up so that I can produce this stuff in bulk and print onto all kinds of fabric.

In other news, I began selling prints of my drawing on Society6 (as suggested by someone on the IRC, can't remember who but thanks anyway).

I'm also working on papercutting/paper art at the moment, which I'll post here soon.


Praying Mantis 10 years ago

Thanks for the feedback errybody.

@Acid - That's the primary reason I want one. Being able to mass produce and sell shirts is just a bonus. I love the idea of wearing what I make.

@Alert Games - Mayybe??

@Steven - Smoop Da Woop

Anniedream 10 years ago

This is really one of the good idea to print all type of fabric or any kind of art, instead of throwing it. Your shirt will be useful in some or the other activity.


Astryl 10 years ago

This is really one of the good idea to print all type of fabric or any kind of art, instead of throwing it. Your shirt will be useful in some or the other activity.
But I enjoy throwing artistic shirts at people D: