Scary4Digits 2014 Theme Assignments

Posted by RC on Sept. 13, 2014, 12:03 p.m.

We're just 1 week away from the start of S4D14, so to give everyone who has already signed up enough time to brainstorm I am releasing everyone's 3 randomly chosen themes.

Kilin - Instability, Possession, Madness

hel - Illusion, Hunted, Macabre

colseed - Taboo, Emptiness, Illusion

Nopykon - Underground, Imperfect, Macabre

Zac1790 - Illusion, Haunting, Deprived Senses

Ferret - Black Magic, Brokenness, Haunting

Iasper - Haunting, Omniscient, Alone

JNyknn - Omniscient, Disaster, Illusion

Mega - Possession, Brokenness, Machines

kakaru - Emptiness, Grotesque, Instability

littlebear - Underground, Detention, Alone

Moikle - Possession, Illusion, Macabre

Toast - Hunted, Abandoned, Madness

Acid - Reanimate, Abandoned, Grotesque

Mairu - Taboo, Hunted, Brokenness

death - Invasion, Alone, Brokenness

BretHudson & jaredc - Underground, Disaster, Reanimate

frankie - Ruthless, Possession, Detention

JID - Madness, Illusion, Alone

eagly - Haunting, Deprived Senses, Machines

SpectreNectar - Underground, Illusion, Instability

Deleted - Abandoned, Possession, Macabre

LoserHands - Alone, Madness, Imperfect

LAR Games - Machines, Disaster, Emptiness

TacoBotProductions - Deprived Senses, Forbidden, Ruthless

ToadieTechnika - Deprived Senses, Emptiness, Haunting

MelonYoshi - Emptiness, Madness, Machines

stevekb - Shadows, Detention, Reanimate

Charlie Carlo - Haunting, Brokenness, Emptiness

alexsink - Machines, Alone, Reanimate

Jawchewa - Grotesque, Abandoned, Imperfect

Rez - Hunted, Abandoned, Shadows

ViKing Games - Illusion, Macabre, Imperfect

Yaru - Underground, Grotesque, Imperfect

blaze157 - Underground, Hunted, Reanimate

Kenon - Decay, Instability, Disaster

detective - Deprived Senses, Taboo, Emptiness

JoshDreamland - Brokenness, Alone, Possession

Kasmilus - Machines, Grotesque, Forbidden

GameCarpenter - Reanimate, Abandoned, Underground

jacklehamster - Grotesque, Ruthless, Alone

gordy - Ruthless, Omniscient, Illusion

Cosine - Brokenness, Machines, Deprived Senses

nap - Abandoned, Disaster, Decay

ISODEV - Decay, Invasion, Alone

seejay - Black Magic, Instability, Omniscient

quaz3l - Macabre, Possession, Illusion

gekido - Emptiness, Possession, Shadows

informiac 5 - Madness, Illusion, Alone

pizzadude223 & Supercannon: - Detention, Black Magic, Reanimate

Oana - Shadows, Invasion, Instability

Ayanami0 - Underground, Detention, Haunting

nothin - Deprived Senses, Emptiness, Black Magic

hdiff - Ruthless, Grotesque, and Illusion

SkidRunner - Brokenness, Machines, Possession

TheDanAffair & Wrew - Hunted, Underground, Taboo

3dorange - Alone, Black Magic, Instability

e5652450 - Invasion, Detention, Grotesque

PythianLegume - Abandoned, Underground, Ruthless

Purianite & Rofflesia - Black Magic, Deprived Senses, Imperfect

Citsua - Haunting, Possession, Omniscient

Rictus - Invasion, Decay, Illusion

Jasmine - Illusion, Shadows, Haunting

ChessMasterRiley - Grotesque, Disaster, Machines

mataguiris - Brokenness, Emptiness, Madness

Elpupas7 - Forbidden, Instability, Haunting

katanalevy - Imperfect, Detention, Taboo

armaldio - Decay, Hunted, Shadows

xthemecore - Alone, Ruthless, Reanimate

Othros - Forbidden, Alone, Black Magic

thehood - Alone, Shadows, Hunted

Any new participants to sign-up will still be assigned 3 themes at random, so it's still not too late to enter!

NOTE: You are not permitted to start work on your entry until the September 20th start date.


blaze157 10 years, 3 months ago

I guess those are pretty good themes. I have a general idea already.

also I was wondering what time zone I should be going by

Iasper 10 years, 3 months ago

The time zone used for this competition is UTC.

Quietus 10 years, 3 months ago

hel - Illusion, Hunted, Macabre

i have no idea what I'm doing.

I'm still looking to make scary music for anyone who needs it. :(

Astryl 10 years, 3 months ago

Mega - Possession, Brokenness, Machines
Oh, I like these :D

Time to brainstorm until the 20th.

Ferret 10 years, 3 months ago

Ferret - Black Magic, Brokenness, Haunting
Don't think I've ever done anything having to do with magic before, should be fun going out of my comfort zone. Brokenness is so vague though, I suppose I'll figure something out during this waiting period.

Edit: btw this is an awesome competition.

Acid 10 years, 3 months ago

Cool beans, those things fit very well with my idea.

Kenon 10 years, 3 months ago

You are almost forcing me to make the game take place in a collapsing building that was very shoddily constructed with those themes ya know.

Rez 10 years, 3 months ago

Or a game about a mentally ill person living in the city ruins after a hurricane

Rez 10 years, 3 months ago

you could call it PLatformed

Kenon 10 years, 3 months ago

Shit that storyline almost perfectly describes me as a person.

I just don't live in a city anymore.