[Rambopvp] Back from the dead

Posted by Rambopvp on Jan. 15, 2010, 7:12 p.m.

I just can't stay away from this place, I love you all too much <3

And since the release of gmaker8 I just know I have to do something about it, and I've got something up my sleeve that I plan on pulling out in the next week or two at the latest.

I've been working hard at uni this past year and now I've gotten a well deserved holiday in which I am doing absolutely nothing. And it feels AWESOME.

But I'm getting a little bit guilty for this lack of work, hence restarting progress on developing stuff on gmaker.

Can't stay in one place or concentrate on a single project for too long or I'll lose focus, so I'm going to pump this out out real fast and submit it asap, maybe take a few notes out of cactus's book about minimizing time spent on a game, yet making it THE BEST GAME OF ALL TIME! ;D

WELL I hope to see you all soon with the next blog announcing my project.

– Rambopvp

P.S. Rambopvp is sort of my new name now but I can't be stuffed making a new account so I'll just start posting here.

Edit: Here's a sneak peek!


Quietus 15 years ago

you can change your name in preferences. it's above the active users list.

your game looks neat.

Theodore III 15 years ago


Rambopvp 15 years ago

Thanks hel! New name should pop up soon.

SteveKB 15 years ago

I like how your game looks :D

Castypher 15 years ago

The graphical style is cool and all, but for SOME reason, the red seems to clash almost too much with the black. I'm not sure what I'd suggest to fix it, so do nothing, but just know that there might be some complaints regarding aching eyes.

Then again, that's a still image, gives me the burn-in feel.

Glen 15 years ago

@kilin I'd say the clash is the red text mixing with red objects. It makes you concentrate harder when you try to read it.