3D Game Progress

Posted by Requiem on Nov. 14, 2006, 2:08 p.m.

Alright, I think the blog title explains enough. Since that last picture, I've added a few things, and it's actually starting to become playable. Playable enough for me to embed this fun video:

(Note that the video capture kinda killed the FPS)

<embed src='http://www.64digits.com/jakex/azurerage.avi'>

(Or try clicking <a href=http://www.64digits.com/jakex/azurerage.avi>here</a>)

It uses a DivX codec or something, so it might not play on everyone's computer. In that case, just look at the pretty picture down below:

<img src='JakeX/weapondemo.png'>

So, yeah, it's going pretty well.

Oh, and I figure I'll add a bit more content. Personal life content. Well, today at school, me and Scythetastic were hanging around (Glenn the Radioactive Kid wasn't at school), when Shawna (The phonaholic girl from the last blog) and Jessica (Freaky anime fan - actually, there are a lot of those at our school) decided to hang around with us. Simply put, Scythetastic, being the antisocial person he is, had an awkward moment. So, let's all laugh at his awkward moment!


abacus 18 years, 3 months ago

I'm uploading it to Youtube so that I can watch it (which I can't, even with my many media players)

abacus 18 years, 3 months ago
Cesar 18 years, 3 months ago

it won't surprise mark, he knows that there are prodigies out there. -_-

abacus 18 years, 3 months ago

How'd you get the strips on the side of the ship to light up in the dark? It loks like you used d3d_set_lighting(0), but that would be wicked hard.

firestormx 18 years, 3 months ago


GameMakinRyan 18 years, 3 months ago

Looks good, but I saw that video of yours, seemed really laggy. Other than that the models and texturing is phenominal.

Rambopvp 18 years, 2 months ago

fastforward when playing the video, makes it look a hella smoother :P

Crane-ium 18 years ago

wooo!!! I played it now!!! because it's been a month since the WIP came out!