11 ways to tell if you're a GMC-noob

Posted by Requiem on July 19, 2006, 10:03 a.m.

Am I ever bored. Time to make a list.

11 ways to tell if you're a GMC-noob!

1) Every game you've ever made is your first game.

2) You release a new game every 20 minutes.

3) You can [:)] barely [:(] read your [:)] own posts [:(] through the smileys [:)]

4) your keybord has no shift or punctuation keys and you probably need a new one but you dont care because hey who cares about grammar right

5) You refuse to use any graphics other than the amazing things found in the GM resource packs.

6) Your user name has more than 3 numbers in it. In fact, it has more numbers than letters.

7) You've rated every game you've ever seen a 10/10. Even the ones you didn't even download.

8) You're working on not one, not four, but three RPGs right now. And they're all about Mario.

9) You seem to think being one person working on shoddy games instantly makes you a corporation.

10) You faithfully follow the ideology that any post with more than four words is evil.

11) Your Username Starts with "Ted" and ends with "Fuzz".

So, anybody got more ways to tell if you're the scum of the internet?


Fun fact for you: There are 1,300,000 Invision Free boards out there. There are 14,500,000 members registered on these Invision Free boards. That means that the average piece-of-shit GM message board has 11 members!


-- 18 years, 7 months ago

Are there any alphanumeric characters in my name?

RetroVortex 18 years, 7 months ago

I used to be number 6 2 years ago…

Good God I've changed!!

Flea1991 18 years, 7 months ago

Hmm, odd I'm all of those…

Anyway, Anybody want :) to :) help :) me :d with :P my :( Mario rpg :huh: remake?????????

F19911991=not noob!

Flea1991 18 years, 7 months ago

And RetroVortex, That post had more than 4 words! Dang you 2!!!!!


Tr00jg 18 years, 7 months ago

"lolol i does think your are soo right! Tehre are so many noobses. :D :D "

Okay, sorry I just had to do that. Excuse my compulsive behaviour.

mixahman 18 years, 7 months ago

Come on people, what's wrong with u! Noobs r people too u know!

If u stab them in the eyes, do they not bleed?

They r humans, not like the average human, or below average at that… somewhere in the "DUH" section. But they r here to stay, as u can see they did elect their own into presidency… twice! So we must live among the stupid just for a little while…

9) You seem to think being one person working on shoddy games instantly makes you a corporation

Well I truly believe in my company! We have the technology & the resources plus several games in the works, even thou we don't have the rights to them because they are remakes & clones of great works from the past. Our chicken' coop is still empty, but with determination, a lil bit of elbow grease & lots'a work… we will get that chicken'!

NeutralReiddHotel 18 years, 7 months ago

I'm close to seven. But I'm not a GMC n00b.

hey how do you make:) an instacne go toXD another

DFortun81 18 years, 7 months ago

17) You blast away at Advanced Users inboxes requesting examples, engines and what not.

18) Same as 17, 'cept you don't say thanks when they give it to you.

Flea1991 18 years, 7 months ago

My post a few posts up was a joke….lol

melee-master 18 years, 7 months ago

Look at a post title I just saw:

"Top Down Starfox Plz Give Feedback

i kno ther r bugs so dont bug me no pun"