Posted by Ronnica on July 17, 2008, 11:43 a.m.

I gotta take the bus to work because my mom is too lazy to drive me. I've been taking the bus to school and stuff since I was in the fourth grade so the bus doesn't bother me one bit. I've gotten really used to it.

Anyways, the day before yesterday I took the bus to get to work. Everything was going according to plan. Made it nice and early for the bus, got off at the right stop and still had 30 minutes to spare before my shift actually started. So as I'm walking to Superstore (aka Stupidstore) I notice these two guys walking in the opposite direction (so they were walking towards me). One guy was white and the other was African American. The white guy just did one of those gangster head nods when he walked by. Then his pal, who looked like a decent guy, walks by me and says, "Can I get some booty meat?"

He totally mumbled it so I didn't hear him, so I was like, "What?" The guy stops and stares at me and goes, "Don't you know what booty meat is?" Finally having understood him, I made a disgusted face (well I was wearing my sunglasses so as disgusted as he could see) I said, "Ew!" and started to walk faster. Behind me I could hear the first guy laughing at him.

Then he shouted the most random thing, "Do you work at Superstore?!" Since I didn't want him to come and find me at my work place, I turned around and yelled, "…No!" Then he yelled, "Where do you work?!" I thought quickly and shouted back, "The mall!" (it works cause the mall is across the street from Stupidstore. He then goes, "Is Superstore hiring?!" I just shrugged then turned and walked away.

So then I pulled out my cellphone and texted 3 of my friends with the story. They all got back to me with 'lols' and 'Ew u so gave him booty meat didnt u?' When got working, I told my coworkers about the whole thing and they laughed at me "-_- They also told me that both of those guys were were in the store earlier asking every employee they could find if the store was hiring.

No offense buddy, but there's a big sign when you come inside and there's a table where a store manager sits and waits and can interview you if you're interested in a job.

As for YOU guys (yeah I lectured my brothers this too), if you ever ask a girl for some 'booty meat' don't be surprised if she either gives you a dirty or disgusted look, or slaps you. Cause seriously, that's just weird. *mumbles* Askin' me if he can get some booty meat… out on the street too… nasty.



Ronnica 16 years, 3 months ago

*slaps* No!

shawn 16 years, 3 months ago


your font color makes me want to stab a teddy bear

flashback 16 years, 3 months ago


Mush 16 years, 3 months ago

You have a double standard for color coding people's skin type.

I wouldn't be as offended if you had called him English American.

OBELISK 16 years, 3 months ago

What? You mean African Canadian right?

OOH! My turn!

*slaps stevenup*

Siert 16 years, 3 months ago

Finally! Freedom from this pink font!

*slaps stevenup*

F1ak3r 16 years, 3 months ago

That is why "gangstas" should all burn in Hell. Seriously, I depise those womanizers.

I remember this one time, there was this one guy, and he was physically attacking this girl. Now, he wasn't being serious, but he's got a reputation for putting his hands where he shouldn't. I was standing right there, and, damn, that made me so angry. I told him to stop.

Unfortunately for the awesomeness of this story, he did stop, more out of boredom than because of my commanding presence, and I didn't get the chance to smash his face in and prove myself a dashing gentleman. Yeah, life sucks >_>.

F1ak3r 16 years, 3 months ago

Oh yeah, almost forgot.

*slaps stevenup*

Ronnica 16 years, 3 months ago

@ shawn : Just make sure it's not one of mine.

@ flaser : Indeed.

@ Mush : I didn't really notice that. It's just how I speak.

@ siert : You can't hide from the pink!

@ 'Isk : lmao XD

@ F1ak3r : You are my hero.

PY 16 years, 3 months ago

*slaps steve*

That was an delete repost, not an edit!