Computer Class

Posted by Ross on Aug. 15, 2008, 10:49 p.m.

Let me start this blog off with praising everything that is holy that the weekend is FINALLY here. Seems like this first school week dragged on, and on, and on, and I never thought I'd get a break. Now its time to kick back, and relax for two days.

Well, the point of this blog is to laugh at my computer class. I'm taking a computer class, where it is mandatory to take notes. If you don't take notes, you get detention. Even if you tell the teacher you already know the material, you get detention. Well, over this first week, we learned the mystery of a little program named Word. Today we learned about the wonders known as "Save As" <_< So, Arcalyth suggested that I go up to her and tell her I don't have to take notes on this stuff because I know it already. That didn't fly with her, and today I got detention……… thanks Arcalyth. Well, come Monday we will learn about the wonders of Select All, and Copy/Paste. I can hardly wait to take notes on that as well <_<. I don't really know how to stay awake in this class, its the most boring thing I've ever had to go through.

On a side note, I decided I needed a new, animated banner. So I made a banner based off of Space Invaders. Worked about an hour on it, but I think the end result looks pretty cool, so I'm happy with it.


flashback 16 years, 5 months ago

Oh heck, I didn't even bother telling my last two social teachers I wasn't taking notes. I just went ahead and slept in class until a question got asked, woke up, answered it, and went back to sleep again. Rinse and repeat, get honours. My classmates hated me for getting such high marks while sleeping through all the lectures, but hey: it's how I operate.

My latest math teacher did not understand this: my marks suffered. Same for my first physics teacher: no clue how to teach, no clue what he was talking about, asshole to everyone. Getting BEATEN OVER THE HEAD for putting my head down too low while fracking writing something in class is not conducive to me paying attention.

Patrick7286 16 years, 5 months ago

Flashback, you're ironman… If a teacher tries to mess with you again just unibeam them.

ESA 16 years, 5 months ago

Oshit, I just realized I have to take computer class this year (with a teacher similar to yours). Last year I took shop, which was okay.

At least school starts in a week for me

F1ak3r 16 years, 5 months ago

At my school, the computer lesson is a joke, and everyone, including the teacher, knows that. We don't take notes, and we end up doing nothing apart from listening to the guy blathering on about whatever garbage he's in the mood to blather on about.

He's one of those people who think they're fountains of wisdom and knowledge. He's also a paedophile. Fortunately not a gay one though.

But yeah, no-one really cares about the lesson, and everyone just goes on Facebook or whatever, even after they put up a sign saying "Going on Facebook will crash the server". Who would ever believe that garbage?

PY 16 years, 5 months ago

I'm sorry, I had something to say, but the image of flashback getting beaten over the head, probably with a ruler or rolled up textbook or something similar, has totally taken over my thoughts.

GearGOD 16 years, 5 months ago

Noobs. Grow some fucking backbone.

I usually wagged at least 1 day in a week, came late 15+ minutes almost every date, took frequent and long 'toilet breaks', was never in uniform and still came out with awesome grades and respect.

The secret is not being a whiny little bitch and assertively standing up for yourself.

PY 16 years, 5 months ago

But you're badass, and the school happens to need your grades.

SixWinged 16 years, 5 months ago

Our IT class spent around a month learning how to use PowerPoint.

Ross 16 years, 5 months ago

Noobs. Grow some fucking backbone.

I usually wagged at least 1 day in a week, came late 15+ minutes almost every date, took frequent and long 'toilet breaks', was never in uniform and still came out with awesome grades and respect.

The secret is not being a whiny little bitch and assertively standing up for yourself.

Yeah, don't direct that to me, you don't have a fucking clue what you are talking about. I told the woman I wasn't taking notes, she told me I am getting detention every day I don't. I still don't plan on taking them, because detention isn't that bad. The only bad thing is, is that my grade will plummet in that class. You see, the notes are being taken as grades starting next week.

frenchcon1 16 years, 5 months ago

pfft Microsoft Word, iWork Pages ftw