WII = Recall???

Posted by Russellwoot on Dec. 17, 2006, 10:44 p.m.

Has anybody heard about the wii getting recalled for the controller?

apparentely people have been chucking there controllers at the t.v/wall/ windows etc. and there blaming it on nintendo. lol. if your throwing your nintendo wii controller at the wall than you might want to switch to water ok lol!

well post ur comments and tell me what you think about this recall

personally im 50 50. i think it would be cool if the wii did have like lil wristbands or something. but w/e

one more thing

what does wii stand for?

i can only code out the W

it means "what the heck were they thinking naming it wii"?

and I stands for

imune to walls tv's or any hard surface!



Graydon 18 years, 1 month ago

Does everyone at 64 digits have a Wii. THis makes me feel bad, because I can't get one till this summer. I have to pay for it myself.

Patrick7286 18 years, 1 month ago

if i was one of those 3rd party companies id be selling extra strong wrist straps. the sad part is that they would sell good. xD

Maxcore 18 years, 1 month ago

seriously how dumb do you have to be?

thernz 18 years, 1 month ago

If I was going to get my controller to slip, I'd be near someone to inflict massive damage on them instead of the tv. Oh. I'm so not smart.

Russellwoot 18 years, 1 month ago

i didnt mean that i meant the wriistraps lol my bad