So mine and Deza's game 'Rooms' is finally complete, it took a month and we just managed to get it finished in time but all together it was a success! [:)]

Instead of using any advanced version control software we just used dropbox; it seemed to do the job apart from the odd occasions when we both worked on the same class by mistake, in which case it just created multiple copies of the same class which are easy enough to fix.
Also, this is my first ever post on 64digits and I joined this site purely because of the scary four digits competition. It is the first time I have created something worthy of bearing the title 'Game'. I couldn't have done it on my own and Deza was a good motivator and team-mate.
The 64 digits community also seem very friendly and have caused me to visit this site very often to check on updates within the community, I can see myself staying here for a long time [:)]

Boat get!
Welcome to 64digits. Good luck in the competition! (I'm in it too.)
Looks cool. Glad you like us. Glad we're being motivating enough to make people make their first real games!
I joined here just for the competition as well! ;D (I'll probably stay active anyway, though)
Congrats on finishing your game on time!Great to see how well you did. This is what the competition is all about!
Most users won't have finished their first project by the time they make their last blog.
You finish yours, then you make your first blog. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ONwow! lol this looks awesome. I think you took the title of "most unique first/second blog" from me by actually being productive. congrats & i hope you do well in the contest! :D
We hope to cause you as much pain and misery as possible while you enjoy your stay.
Congrats… on finishing your project… with your first post…
*twitch*I hope you… ENJOY… your time here at 64digits…At this rate you should have at least ten projects in by December!THIS IS THE STANDARD YOU SET FOR YOURSELF, DWIThanks for all the positive feedback guys.
MMORPGguy I honestly don't know why I've done it in this order! I think I was just too preoccupied writing code to blog! :Dpounce4evur I'm glad to hear that! :D Always nice to start into a community by stealing something from someone! ;) lolTaizen I don't completely agree with you on that one… :D may possibly be a bit too much for me, I only managed to create one game within a month so I don't see how I could make 9 in the space of two! :P