So mine and Deza's game 'Rooms' is finally complete, it took a month and we just managed to get it finished in time but all together it was a success! [:)]

Instead of using any advanced version control software we just used dropbox; it seemed to do the job apart from the odd occasions when we both worked on the same class by mistake, in which case it just created multiple copies of the same class which are easy enough to fix.
Also, this is my first ever post on 64digits and I joined this site purely because of the scary four digits competition. It is the first time I have created something worthy of bearing the title 'Game'. I couldn't have done it on my own and Deza was a good motivator and team-mate.
The 64 digits community also seem very friendly and have caused me to visit this site very often to check on updates within the community, I can see myself staying here for a long time [:)]

Boat get!
Java is relatively hard.
Yes, Java may not be the most difficult language to program in but that certainly doesn't make it a bad language. Firstly, Java games can be run as applets in the web, also Java games are cross compatible so you can play the same game on windows or mac without even having to change a single line of code which I would say is a pretty good feature.
The vast majority of AA games these days use all the memory available…
Haha Cyrus I'll give you that one, it made me chuckle. And yes that's right Deza
Alright, well then he's sarcastic. Games use shit-all RAM in most cases.
Except StarCraft II. Dat ramwhoring. Twice the RAM of Crysis. 8 times the RAM of Metro 2033….