Why isn't the QDB taken seriously?

Posted by S3xySeele on May 8, 2011, 4:54 a.m.

The QDB sounds like it could be a awesome feature but instead it appears to be treated with very little seriousness. I don't even see a single serious question in there. What the heck?

Also it's not the only feature taken seriously… certain users can and do modify other user's MP on a whim. I just joined, but after I jokingly accused a member of being a furry, I found myself with -1337 MP.

I joined this site hoping for a more intelligent, mature community than Yoyo Games. So far it seems more intelligent and talented, but it's questionable whether the maturity is much better here. I think some bolts need to be tightened down around here… the site just feels broken. And there doesn't seem to be much intent to fix any of it, either. Minecraft can't really be that addictive, can it?

I would've posted this in the QDB, but cannot on account of the -1337 MP.


bendodge 13 years, 9 months ago

Welcome to 64Digits. [:)]

You'll find we have a very strong culture here. Part of that involves a CMS with accidental Easter eggs. Most of the people here (esp. those with the Old Bean badge) joined back before Facebook was big (did it even exist in 05-06?). We've learned GM together, gone through memes together (lolcats, Portal cake, etc), experienced countless server disasters and moves together, and, most recently, gone to college together. Messing around with the site is tradition. Some members *cough*sk8*cough* have been banned and forgiven more times that we can remember.

It's this way because we like it. (If we wanted a perfect plastic world, we'd buy Apple.) Look up GearGOD's profile and check out his Matrix blog. Most sites wouldn't tolerate that sort of thing, because it would become destructive. The "maturity" here (and I admit I use that word loosely) is that people usually refrain from being truly destructive in their pranks. A few people were destructive, and they were "permabanned, " so to speak (large difference between being warned/disabled temporarily and being deleted and ipbanned).

64Digits started as a haven from the GMC (the main barrier being the ability to write an intelligible blog) and developed it's own culture. Our GM roots aren't nearly as strong as they once were. Although immaturity abounds, we look down on stupidness and generally respect intelligent discussion and creativity. We're not a quite a cultured poetry club - more like a geek society.

Try reading lots of blogs and comments. Submit a game or two. Idle in the IRC forever. If you must, play minecraft (I'm still holding out on that fad). Write blogs about things you find intriguing. After you've accrued a few thousand hits, then submit your criticisms. They will be much better received at that point.

P.S. Your first two blogs make me think you'll stick around. Just try to get used to our idiosyncrasies.

PY 13 years, 9 months ago

Yes, why are you releasing incomplete features at all, especially ones with no timeline for completion.

F1ak3r 13 years, 9 months ago

Why so serious?

We don't really need a QDB. If you want to ask a serious question and it's worth asking, then you may get some good answers, or even start an interesting discussion. If you want to spout memes on the QDB then that'll have logical consequences too.

The thing that has kept me coming back to this site for almost four years now is this: we're a community; a large group of friends; we're not a bloody help desk/game upload site/heavily moderated forum. I have a post count of over 2000 here, which is more than I'd get on any forum, because we're relaxed about off-topic comments and good-natured silliness.

Basically what I'm saying is just relax. 64Digits is a multi-faceted place: you can have in-depth discussions, you can participate in blog fads, or you can chain combos in comment threads and then C-C-C-COMBO BREAK them. Just lurk a while, you'll start to understand our culture soon enough.

Oh, and welcome. I don't think I saw you come in.

Kamira 13 years, 9 months ago

Welcome to 64Digits, leave your sanity in the little red box by the door and don't feed ChIkEn.

S3xySeele 13 years, 9 months ago

Thanks for welcoming me, everyone.

PY 13 years, 9 months ago

My 'interest' is in why a feature that hardly works, with (impressively) the single most obtuse UI I have ever used was released. Launch-V3, even with its many issues, did at least serve its primary purpose for the most part, but the QDB is confusing, overly complex, broken, and fills a niche that is better served by forums. As you say, none of this is your fault, so my issue is not with you.

I do have to question why, if you're, as you admit yourself, incapable of doing it, did you take on the responsibility - and why you expected less pessimism from the traditionally pessimistic community here, especially when the site is still, while mostly functional, buggy. You can have as well coded a backend as you like, but frankly: I don't see that. I see the front, and it's sloppy. Comment boxes often have scrollbars on for no good reason, images larger than a few hundred pixels across readily break the page layout, the menu bar is weirdly off-center for some reason, I haven't a *clue* how to manage my favourite users any more, changing my avatar was an exercise in frustration, the PM system (which I don't, admittedly, use a lot) is awkward and notifications badly implemented, the shop is given a prevalent place in the UI despite requiring the use of a system that doesn't work, as well as not working itself, and my userpage has less options for customisation than it did in v2! To expect people to not be negative in the face of that is very silly.

Castypher 13 years, 9 months ago

Annnnd we still can't add/remove friends or modify/delete games.

sirxemic 13 years, 9 months ago

Aaand 64digits should just rollback to v2. Owait, there are no incremental backups lololol

S3xySeele 13 years, 9 months ago


sirxemic 13 years, 9 months ago

You are now browsing 64digits v3.