Holy Sheet, PCSX2 0.9.8 is out! :D

Posted by S3xySeele on May 9, 2011, 12:24 a.m.

Dunno if any of you guys are big into emulation, except for hel.

But I just noticed that a new version of PCSX2 got released a few days ago. Supposedly it boasts noticeable speed gains, in addition to better game compatibility, among other things.

Imma boot into Windows to put it through its paces. My hardware's strong enough to where performance was never too big of an issue with the old version, but some games did experience some hang ups. I'm more excited about compatibility improvements. Maybe it'll be able to start up my copy of SOCOM? I'll find out shortly, I suppose. lol


LoserHands 13 years, 9 months ago


Fat PS3 gives up during long loading screens.

If they ever implement the compatibility again, they should include a built-in option to play over fooled LAN. ohmygawd

Undeadragons 13 years, 9 months ago

Hehehe, my PS3 handles all of my PS2 games perfectly, well all the ones I've tried, which admittedly isn't a whole lot. I also still have my PS2, so any that don't play I could just fire up on the PS2.

Still, I guess the PS2 is eventually going to shit itself and die, in which case it's nice to know that PCSX2 has come along a bit in terms of compatibility and performance.

Amarin 13 years, 9 months ago

Going to be playing Disgaea and Mushihimesama. Those shouldn't be too demanding.

S3xySeele 13 years, 9 months ago

Fat PS3 gives up during long loading screens.
Never had any such problem with my fat PS3. Consistenly played PS2 games flawlessly. Which is to be expected, since it's running on actual PS2 hardware and not just emulated through software.

It's a shame that they removed backwards compatibility. Even the Xbox 360's miserable software-emulated backwards compatibility is better than the new PS3's entire lack thereof.

But oh well. I personally would rather have good PC emulators than backwards compatibility, and in that area, the PS2 is kicking the Xbox's ass. lol

LoserHands 13 years, 9 months ago

Well, Timesplitters was consistent in freezing. But the load times are horrible so..?

Praying Mantis 13 years, 9 months ago

Downloaded it. Currently downloading SoTC, Katamari, Ico, Red Faction 2, and Beyond Good and Evil. Hells yeah.

Praying Mantis 13 years, 9 months ago

Scratch that, the SoTC rom I got is dodgey. Does anyone know where I would be able to get a working Shadow of The Colossus rom?