Next Official Pokemon Game?

Posted by S3xySeele on Oct. 9, 2012, 11:06 p.m.

So guys, now that Black and White 2 is out, what do you think will be next for the series?

My personal beliefs are that the next batch of Pokemon games will be Ruby and Sapphire remakes (or perhaps direct sequels) for the 3DS. And I believe that the games will be entirely 3D, or at the very least feature fully 3D Pokemon battles.

Why do I think these things? Well… let's start with the obvious one. The next Pokemon games will be on the 3DS because it's quite simply long overdue for some Pokemon love. Spinoff games don't count for shit. Plus, I think Nintendo doing Black and White 2 instead of just a Pokemon Grey was their way of giving non-3DS-owning Pokefans one last bit of loving before finally bringing the series to their current handheld platform.

So next, why Ruby/Sapphire remakes? Well, ever since the GBA, Nintendo's had a pattern of doing new games then remakes then new games then remakes… and now that they're presumably done with the new Black and White series of games, it would seem logical to expect a remake next. And Ruby/Sapphire are the next on the list after HeartGold/SoulSilver.

There's also Nintendo's pattern of remaking Pokemon games for hardware platforms 2 generations ahead of the platform that the originals were on, and the 3DS is 2 generations ahead of the GBA.

Then with D/P, Nintendo gave subtle hints for the upcoming HG/SS. Are they doing the same thing, giving hints for the upcoming R/S remakes in B/W or B/W2? I never played the original R/S so I probably wouldn't recognize a hint when I saw one, but some people think so, pointing out things like how a cave in B/W2 is filled with water (Aqua) in one version and lava (Magma) in another.

Now why do I think it'll be entirely 3D? Well they're gonna want to take advantage of the 3DS's 3D screen and more powerful hardware. And with the exception of some elements, such as character and Pokemon sprites, the B/W series is practically all 3D already. So it seems they're headed in that direction. Plus, with the upcoming Pokedex 3D Pro app for the 3DS, they'll have 3DS-ready 3D models of all current Pokemon. Did they seriously crank out all 649 of those models simply for a Pokedex app? I don't think so.

But what do you guys think? Do you think I'm spot on, or do you think I'm way off here?


Glen 12 years, 4 months ago

Pokemon The Game Part 2 v38 of the 17th Sequel

Iasper 12 years, 4 months ago

At one point or another they'll either have to make some big changes to keep the handheld Pokemon games alive or they'll die. They can't last like this forever, because there'd be like1000 Pokemon in ten years.

KaBob799 12 years, 4 months ago

I think eventually they will drop the whole generation system and slow down the amount of pokemon being added to about 10-15 a year on average (so by current release rates, that would be 40-60 a generation, but they won't keep up the 4 year release schedule forever). But they'll probably reach 1000 before that happens.

Glen 12 years, 4 months ago

I heard Pokemon Twilight was going to be the next official release.

LAR Games 12 years, 4 months ago

I would love a Ruby/ Sapphire remake. Ruby was my first Pokemon game. My little brother got Sapphire.

S3xySeele 9 years ago

I'm mothafuckin' Nostradamus, bitch.

NeutralReiddHotel 9 years ago

too bad they turned out to be the worst remakes of all time.


fucking game freak leaving out features left and right like they're fucking immune from game dev. they left out battle frontier. they left out a freaking battle tower. trainer customization, pokemon following you around, pokeathlon, custom safari zones, visiting another region after elite four, fighting against an.old protagonist, sevii islands (this was in Gen 3 and conveniently forgotten after).

really. Wtf gamefreak

S3xySeele 9 years ago

Personally I thought ORAS was fantastic. But maybe I didn't mind the changes/omissions as much because I never really was too keen on the original Ruby/Sapphire.

NeutralReiddHotel 9 years ago

game freak wreacked their one chance to make a perfect pokemon game… if u look at hg/ss and fr/lg, those are damn solid remakes that feel solid. when I played oras, I couldn't stop scratching my head at all the crap they left out. I mean, there was no reason to drop the features I listed, but they did, and God knows why.

if you have a chance they go for gold and make an amazing game, I'm going to be disappointed and and annoyed as fuck when you cut corners and half-ass. it's incredibly dissapointing when this is game freaks 100th time at making a pokemon game yet they fuck it up for no reason. it SHOULD be getting better, but they just slapped emerald graphics to xy, added more mega evolutions, took away features, and called it a day. what a slap in the face.

Fuck oras

S3xySeele 9 years ago

I thought ORAS was better than HGSS. ORAS are my favorite games since G/S/C.

I was hype for HGSS, and I liked 'em… But I still like the originals better. Didn't care for some of the changes they made… ditching awesome Kris for basic bitch Lyra, making catching the legendary mon a mandatory part of the story that you have to complete before moving on to Kanto (or even challenging the Elite Four, if I remember correctly), etc.

And as far as FR/LG go… Never played too much of 'em, but what little I did made them seem like annoying hand-holdy versions of the originals. They looked nice though.