By now, everyone has heard that Steve Irwin, the crocodile, has been killed by a stingray. We all knew that something would get him someday, but I don't think anyone would have guessed stingray. I was thinking more like a cowboy riding a T-Rex while using a flamethrower, or a polar bear driving a motorcycle with a machine-gun weilding frog-man in the sidecar. A stingray is kind of boring. The most terrible part of this is that the stingray attack was filmed, and even though the film will not be shown on television, some asshole is gonna put it up on the internet, gauranteed.
bowser wtf
apology accepted shork… though i dont know if i should be accepting it or if the freinds, fans, and family of irving should. not that they saw it or anything…*votes -12 fora warn for shork*<div style="position:absolute; top: 0px; left:0px; height:36px; width: 175px; background-color: white; z-index: 100000">I think people who make jokes are utter n00bs. It's not funny at all.
im just saying aligators+aligator hunter= death. just saying.
Yeah, but the term "Alligator Hunter" implies that the alligators would be the dead ones. And for proper humor, next time make sure to include all parts of the joke, or others might misinterpret it. Remember, when joking on the internet, it is very difficult to type sarcasm or to include the cadence and inflections that naturally accompany the spoken word, and carry much of our meaning when communicating.
^it still wasnt funny. its a very se4nsitive subject