Noobs Waif YoYoGames

Posted by Siert on Aug. 16, 2008, 10:50 a.m.

Now I know this might not be breaking news for most people, but YoYoGames is suffering from noob-syndrome. This most commonly happens when a popular program becomes widely available and marketed for everyone. Then users create games which in every way is fine and then upload their poorly made game to a hosting site. In this case the hosting site is YoYoGames. In most cases this is not a problem, the poorly made games are down rated and never seen again.

But the massive numbers of poor games and poor users on YoYoGames brings the site to its knees. There are three reasons this site suffers significantly.

One) Because so many games are submitted at the same time, the excellent games are quickly covered and sent to the next page by poor games.

Two) Because YoYoGames puts any game rated 6/6 in their Most Popular section, often poorly made games are rated highly by multiple accounts are seen in the Most Popular section.

Three) If a poorly made game happens to be rated highly, the creator often downrates other peoples games in the hope that his game will maintain a higher rating in comparison with all the other games.

I recently released another version of Edelsteine on several sites, including YoYoGames. At first it was instantly smothered by poor games and was impossible to find. My brother then rated the game 6/6. I was then happy because other people would find it and rate it also. Unfortunately my game was a victim of noob-syndrome.

As you can see, my game has two votes, yet has been played only once. My brother rated my game a 6/6. Apparently, another user rated the game 0/6 and made the overall rating 3.5/6. This is sad because he rated my game 0/6 and did not even play it.


PY 16 years, 6 months ago

What a twat.

flashback 16 years, 6 months ago

Some thing happened to the one game I posted on there. This is why we have rules against downrating here.

PY 16 years, 6 months ago

This is why we have rules that are enforced here.

Sage 16 years, 6 months ago

Protip: Don't release a game on YYG and expect it to be rated well. YYG is full of noobs, and you going there and expecting people to uprate your game is not going to help. It will still be an infestation.

So release your game somewhere else if you want good reviews.

flashback 16 years, 6 months ago


SquareWheel 16 years, 6 months ago

That has been happening on YYG for ages, especially on competition games.

Lapixx 16 years, 6 months ago

Someone should make a "Non-noob game section". I don't care whether it is officially or not.

We could make a site, and all submissions need to be checked twice before they are shown on the main page.

Or, the other solution is to fight noobism with more noobism: Let's all create 5 accounts and downrate those noob games, and rate 6/6 for all better-than-noob games.

Sage 16 years, 6 months ago

As you can see, my game has two votes, yet has been played only once. My brother rated my game a 6/6. Apparently, another user rated the game 0/6 and made the overall rating 3.5/6. This is sad because he rated my game 0/6 and did not even play it.

Wait a second, your math is wrong.

Or, the other solution is to fight noobism with more noobism: Let's all create 5 accounts and downrate those noob games, and rate 6/6 for all better-than-noob games.

Also, that is a lost cause >_<

SteveKB 16 years, 6 months ago

I rated 6 and said qwack for you :D

Bryan 16 years, 6 months ago

I rated 6 and said qwack for you :D