
Posted by T G M G on Sept. 11, 2007, 1:02 p.m.

I would like to introduce my new project: G-creator.

Some of you may remember me as I created G-Java. it was very basic, but it did support most actions and a few games were made with it: http://forums.g-java.com/index.php?showforum=15

Just as I added the gml parser, Mark decided to make G-java and all other projects that read gmk files illegal. So I had no choice but to give up. I made the project open source, so if their are any java programmers out their who would be interested in viewing the source they can.

Instead of letting all my work goto waste I decided to create my own game maker called G-Creator.

The purpose of this was a game maker that could easily be converted to pure source code rather than attach it to a large, slow runner.

Two converters will come with G-Creator, G-java and G-C++, but we have made it very easy to add more converters. Our development team consists of 2 c++/java programmers.

G-Creator is based on game maker as the development team consists of former users of Game maker. Here is a early screenshot:


Although it is based on GM, we have some changes, for example 2d and 3d rooms are now seperate, as we use a much more powerful 3d engine than GM uses:


Anyway to make a truly great game maker we need your ideas, we will read through all your ideas and if possible add them.

Btw our project is open source so anyone can help ;)


Graydon 17 years, 6 months ago

It looks like a program that will seem to rival with game maker, and welcome to the 64 digits community.

flashback 17 years, 6 months ago

TGMG, Deleting Head Admins' comments is a VERY stupid idea.

T G M G 17 years, 6 months ago

@serprex - I have fixed that, now you don't need to register, thanks for pointing that our.

@Polystyrene Man - We have our own language EGML, extended GML, it is based on gml but Object oriented.

@flashback - are you the same flashback that I used to talk to on msn? Anyway you should know that a project cannot be vaporware if the source is available check svn, I just thought you wouldn't want people seeing you make that mistake ;)

FireflyX 17 years, 6 months ago

TGMG, Deleting Head Admins' comments is a VERY stupid idea.
It's his blog therefore he can delete whatever comments he wants!

DFortun81 17 years, 6 months ago

"Wouldn't you get sued by YoYo Games?"

That's like Microsoft suing you for converting your bitmap image to PNG in Paint.

On a side note: If YYG put that you can't breathe while using Game Maker in the EULA, how many people do you think would still breathe?

FireflyX 17 years, 6 months ago

Quote: yoyos terms
We are sorry that we have to hassle you with all this legal stuff- honestly, we are. It’s not just that our lawyers tell us that it is really important – it is really important.
I must say that's very unprofessional!

T G M G 17 years, 6 months ago

I don't think they can. You only have to agree to the EULA if you install gm7 right? I only use gm6.

Also look at openoffice/MSoffice, if MS can't sue then I doubt yoyo would.

flashback 17 years, 6 months ago

@FireflyX: It's our site, we can tell users to do what we want. We're a dictatorship, not a democracy.

@TGMG: I've been watching this project for a while, with some anticipation, but from the information I've seen released so far (new information may have come out), it's not near completion: I will, however, give you the benefit of the doubt.

I also have a rather unique definition of vapourware, in that until there's at least a semifunctional pre-release, I don't believe it exists: that's why I tend to release betas of my own projects relatively quickly after initial development.

Yes, I am the same Flashback you talked to on MSN all those aeons ago.

I really do want this project to happen: The latest slap in the face from yoyo (for me) is that I'm no longer able to run GM on more than one computer: it won't activate on my new Laptop or desktop, alongside my old Desktop's activation. I would rather be using your project, and use it in multiple OSes, than use something that makes me pay every time I reinstall Windows or buy a new computer.

melee-master 17 years, 6 months ago

Looks interesting… However, I dislike your terminology used for objects, etc. Names like that can be unspecific, confusing, and simply unprofessional.

Rob 17 years, 6 months ago

Anyways, you should have kept going, because most people use gm6, besides YYG n00bs. And people that are on Vista. Which are also noobs.