
Posted by T G M G on Sept. 11, 2007, 1:02 p.m.

I would like to introduce my new project: G-creator.

Some of you may remember me as I created G-Java. it was very basic, but it did support most actions and a few games were made with it: http://forums.g-java.com/index.php?showforum=15

Just as I added the gml parser, Mark decided to make G-java and all other projects that read gmk files illegal. So I had no choice but to give up. I made the project open source, so if their are any java programmers out their who would be interested in viewing the source they can.

Instead of letting all my work goto waste I decided to create my own game maker called G-Creator.

The purpose of this was a game maker that could easily be converted to pure source code rather than attach it to a large, slow runner.

Two converters will come with G-Creator, G-java and G-C++, but we have made it very easy to add more converters. Our development team consists of 2 c++/java programmers.

G-Creator is based on game maker as the development team consists of former users of Game maker. Here is a early screenshot:


Although it is based on GM, we have some changes, for example 2d and 3d rooms are now seperate, as we use a much more powerful 3d engine than GM uses:


Anyway to make a truly great game maker we need your ideas, we will read through all your ideas and if possible add them.

Btw our project is open source so anyone can help ;)


flashback 17 years, 5 months ago

Rob? My new laptop is Vista.

T G M G 17 years, 5 months ago

@flashback - thanks for clearing that up.

@melee-master - What do you mean, i think it makes more sense than gm, its like a movie actors are placed in scenes which can be viewed by a camera. actor = object scene = room camera = view

@Rob - Most people use gm6 now, but within a year hardly anyone will use gm6 :(

DFortun81 17 years, 5 months ago

@Rob: I have versions GM5.3a Reg, GM6 Reg, and GM7 Pro on my main computer and GM7 Pro on my Vista laptop. It's always best to get them all. GM7 performs better than the other two BTW.

IdiotProof 17 years, 5 months ago

I think I signed up for the G-Java site years ago, when I first found it. Haven't downloaded g-creator yet. I wish G-java was still being developed though, I probably actually would of used it.

Rob 17 years, 5 months ago

I meant most people have gm6 too, why the fuck would they uninstall gm6 when they get gm7?

melee-master 17 years, 5 months ago

@T G M G:

I dunno, I prefer it when things are named properly. But actually, it'd be cool if (like GM), you had a simple and advanced mode… but simple mode would have the current labels you have, and advanced would have the more proper ones.

Maxcore 17 years, 5 months ago

It would be cool if people learned the program lol

Adventus 17 years, 5 months ago

So far, Looks like an IDE of the jMonkey Engine.

How are you going to handle the scenegraph? Are transformations inherited? Will the user decide tree structure or are you abstracting it?…. IMO they are often more work thans useful for most small games. How are you rendering in C++?

Anyway i know im a skeptic…. but hey thats what the GMCs taught me. I hope it developes into a true competitor with GM, the opensource factor will always win me over.

T G M G 17 years, 5 months ago

@Adventus - is that a problem? I would have loved an IDE for Jmonkey when I was using gm. The scenegraph can be modified both in the GUi and in code. Undecided. The user will define it. I will try and make it as easy as possible. C++ 2d will initially be done with allegro but SDL support is planned. 3d will be done in an opengl scenegraph api similar to jmonkey.

I hope that too :)

Adventus 17 years, 5 months ago

Nope not a problem to me, just a quirk. I just wonder whether if i made an IDE for Ogre3d whether i could really call it my own…. things like this matter to hardcore indie developers. I've seen plently of good projects shunned because their simply a wrapper for another opensource library…. if you significantly extend its capabilities this problem usually fades away.

May i suggest the G3D engine for C++ rendering…. it doesnt enforce a scenegraph structure, opensource, etc. Alternatively you could use OpenSceneGraph/Orge3d if you want a full scenegraph based renderer.