in collecting attention

Posted by Taizen Chisou on Nov. 14, 2011, 12:22 a.m.

I'm not sure what the deal is, but I can't get anybody onto anything I make.

Like ever.

I have three ongoing projects.

One is an STG. Probably about six different people have given comment after playing the 0.5 demo, out of a recorded 60 downloads.

Another is a Metroidvania. Three comments.

Another is a turn-based JRPG. Less than twenty.

Is it because I'm lacking in graphics or something? I don't understand it.

I've seen a lot of projects garner lots of praise, even if they're functionally worse than what I put out. The commonality between all of them is that they've had a heck of a time put into the looks department.

It's really disheartening. I'd rather have negative feedback than no feedback.

There's no 'hype train' going on or 'when are you going to finish it' business anywhere I post anything I do.

A lot of the responses I've been getting have been pretty "eh, yeah, okay, whatever."

Which begs the question, "if a total of three people are interested, why go to the bloody effort to do anything at all?"

I don't know anymore.


LoserHands 13 years, 2 months ago

The RPG video(s) really impressed me.

Bullet hells aren't my thing… a castlevania game by you should be interesting, didn't know you were making one though.

Taizen Chisou 13 years, 2 months ago

The RPG is on a sort of hold, until I can put together time to work on it :(

I have to make everything myself, so it'll take me at least until may of 2013.

I just had my music guy quit on me, so maybe longer.

Bullet hells are a niche. Sadistic bullet hells are a niche in a niche.

It's to be expected.

The metroidvania was brought up in a previous blog of mine, the source file.

I wrote a post about it stagnating, so I decided to reboot it "maybe with color this time," and posted the project folder to download.

It was a sort of hack-n-slash platform shooting exploration RPG where choosing whether or not to listen to your Mission Control in terms of where to go affected the order in which you met and battled the other adventures, and whether or not they were to die.

All the file was was a test room with four working subweapons with bat enemies and blob enemies and skulls that shoot fire.

Also there was a boss in the alpha state.

I couldn't work on it because I don't have GM8 Pro, while my friend does, and I don't want to have to use his laptop the whole time.

I guess that's everything about that project :V

Although admittedly it was quite under wraps previously.

Astryl 13 years, 2 months ago

Hmm? *checks previous blogs*

I'll have to check these out.

EDIT: I'd LOVE a demo of Lunacy Star. I'm a Gradius/Fraxy/Etc master.

F1ak3r 13 years, 2 months ago

Make games because you want to, not for anyone else's approval, or for "internet fame/recognition". If you're not driven to develop your game because you simply can't NOT develop your game, there's something very wrong.

That, and people are far more interested in finished games than WIPs and demos. Get a finished game out, and people will come.

Taizen Chisou 13 years, 2 months ago

Well, of course I want to.

It's a little hard drumming up some motivation if no one seems to be looking forward to it.

I have a comic book that is now on Page 151 because people are continually down my throat about updating it, for example.

I'm not dropping any of my projects, no. I've invested far too much time into all of them.

I haven't outright finished a game in five years, though. It's actually really hard to :(

F1ak3r 13 years, 2 months ago

I know that feel bro. Haven't released a game in ages either.

umbra 13 years, 2 months ago

for lunacy star to get big you require ether most of the big Touhou players or ZUN himself to recommend/ promote it

JID 13 years, 2 months ago

I am with LoserHands, bullet hells aren't my thing.

But, some of the reasons why I don't comment on your blogs sometimes, is because your videos don't have any sound. Which may sound silly, but it's true. Not many people want to watch soundless vids.

And, I don't think your blogs lack comments because of your graphics, my game's graphics are absolute shit and I still get buttloads of comments.

I was surprised at the amount of supporters I had for my game, even though it's not an insane amount, so you should be getting some more eventually. Just keep posting interesting things about your game and add sound to your videos and you should do well.

Also, Qwilder has done some commentary on my game on YT, I think that's what keeps me motivated to make my game the most, see if you could get him to do some commentary on yours. He usually provides useful feedback on how you could make the game better in his vids. Which helps.

Another thing that could get more people interested in your games, is maybe you should make something specifically for us 64Digiters, for example, I made some 64D users into spec ops agents who are characters in my game's story and made some other 64D users featured in collectible letters scattered and hidden throughout the game's campaign. Something like that should spike people's interest.

Other than that, your games look like a lot of effort was put into them, just know that people sometimes don't comment for stupid reasons like videos having no sound. :p

Hope you found some useful tips in my comment.

colseed 13 years, 2 months ago

to be honest, I've been paying attention to everything that's been posted

…I'm just terrible at remembering to comment in timely fashion :(

As for finishing things, one tactic you can use is to force yourself to meet certain deadlines (i.e. finish a demo with x number of levels/stages by the end of the month).

not that I've been able to do that myself or anything lol

Castypher 13 years, 2 months ago

I should've reposted my other comment here. This community is not interested in the bullet hell genre. I've accepted that, and so has Purianite. That's why he's over at various boards, advertising. His S4D project, despite the poor reviews it got here, is doing very well outside the site.

Publicity is the hardest part of game design. Compared to that, making it is trivial. If you can find some well-known figures to help, by all means, do it. In fact, talk to Purianite one day. He's well-known outside 64Digits. He got a spriter for S4D instantly, people sketch for him all the time. I'm sure he can hook you up with something.

Add me on Messenger or something, if you use it.

kilin08[at] (for some anti-bot purposes)

Fuck it, I know what I'll do. I'll make a bullet hell with 64Digits members as characters. Then you sheltered whores will learn bullet hell. And you'll LIKE IT.