The Family That Prays Together, Separates

Posted by Taizen Chisou on May 6, 2012, 11:55 a.m. 🔒

Attention Catholic mothers: please do not force your atheist 16-year-old son to put everything aside to watch a church programme that is in your native tongue that you didn't bother to teach him- it will be annoying to him on multiple levels. Do not slap, scratch, or repeatedly hit them in an attempt to force them to pay attention. It does not help your case, and it makes your beliefs look crazier in the end.

Attention atheist sons: Do not put up such a good argument as to back your religious mother into a corner, forcing her to call out your father. Make no attempts to explain to her that you cannot go to hell if you don't believe it exists, because her return argument is 100% guaranteed to be that you will go anyway.

Attention fathers of atheist sons who are arguing with their moms: If your stance on the matter is that religion is corrupt and faith is not, explaining why you don't go to church every Sunday, like your wife would like to have happen, find an easier way to break the news than "you're wrong; you can take him to church but you can't literally force him to believe in what you believe, that's his choice," and refrain from explaining exactly why religion is corrupt to the religious wife because you can hear the shattering in their voice when they are in denial about what you say. Especially do not raise your voice in the matter when Religious Wife decides that it's your fault that the child is "broken" because of your infrequent church attendance.


JuurianChi 12 years, 8 months ago


Kunedon 12 years, 8 months ago

Asian mothers are extremely stubborn, especially when it comes to religion.

You should know this!

pounce4evur 12 years, 8 months ago

Oh, shit. I'd feed you the "religion is always your choice" horse shit but you seem to have already realized that. Hang in there.

Sheppard 12 years, 8 months ago

I find myself constantly wondering why people force their kids to church and to other religious programs. Dragging a kid to church has been known to cause some resentment toward religion. And as much as I disagree with athiesm, I think such a thing is a personal choice.

ludamad 12 years, 8 months ago

Heh. I first told my parents I was atheist around 15, and as devoutly catholic as my dad was, there wasn't much incident past the first day. Then my sister had similar realizations that the church was BS, and then my mom (albeit not to the extent of becoming atheist). Now my dad is the sole real catholic, although my mom enjoys church still.

Going to Catholic church every Sunday with my parents definitely made me religious. However, once you open your mind to reason, it really doesn't matter, it only made for a painful transition. We use to pray the rosary everyday too, until my dad realized (quite right, too) that such a thing would leave a distaste of religion in children.

You can always try giving your parents some false hope, tell them you're working things out and have plenty of time to 'find god' again.

JuurianChi 12 years, 8 months ago

Do what I do.

"sure dad, I believe in god. Totally. How else does anything good happen, right?"

Then I go to the bathroom and puke.

Cesque 12 years, 8 months ago

The logic of some religious people trying to convince people of their religion is weird. "Now that I listened a lot more about the original sin and Hell and how Mary was taken to Heaven with her body, I think I feel that God exists again." Does that ever happen?

(religious people probably feel the same way about atheist arguments, but hey)

P.S. From my experience, family is essentially the Catholic Church's way of spawning more believers ("you must construct additional Catholics"), so the idea of child being "broken" makes perfect sense (though not necessarily from your parents' perspective).

Taizen Chisou 12 years, 8 months ago

I'd feel the same- about religion as it currently is, I suppose.

A guy interpreting the Bible and feeding it to a room full of old people.

Everyone who has faith should just go about it however they wish.

My dad doesn't regularly go to church, but he follows the commandments and teachings and ideals or whatever.

I have more respect for him than my mother because he's letting me make my mental/ideals/what-have-you decisions, where my mom quote "has control over absolutely everything about me and what I do and say and think."

Sheppard 12 years, 8 months ago

The thought process for a long time is that as advances in Science become dominant, religion would soon dissapear. But that has failed to happen and in fact christianity is on the rise. So it's got several benefits evidently. I think we are starting to see a shift toward more tolerant based religion, as several people are placing the peaceful message of Jesus above the angry teachings of God from the old testament, as the bible teaches anyway.

But really guys, when an athiest is bashing christianity and wants it gone, your essentially becoming a mirror image of the overly-devoted and irrational christians who bash homosexuality or can't wait for other religions and athiesm to be gone. No offense, to anyone. I'm just trying to say how I view the matter. I think the best method is just tolerance of everyone.

Taizen Chisou 12 years, 8 months ago

I wasn't bashing anyone, actually :V

I told my mom, that she can drag me to church and force me to do church programmes but she can't make me believe, to which she tried to play the guilt card "what kind of christian mother would I be to sit idly by and watch you get consumed by this evil"

(But since when would that line work on anyone)

The only evil I'm witnessing is a distressing absence of freedom of speech and religion :V