On a variety of things

Posted by Taizen Chisou on Nov. 6, 2012, 1:57 p.m.

1. 64Digits competitions

I suggested a while back that we do a competition to produce a cutscene / movie thing. It would give us a chance to dial back the whole 'oh gotta make a competent game in three weeks' factor that a lot of the competitions drip with.

Wouldn't it be cool to rack your brain over how to make a good cutscene and maybe even include some amount of voice work, only to be steamrolled by Rez / Kilin?

2. Composition and music

I've been flagging about in terms of creativity again. So I've outsourced the music to someone who actually knows how to write the stuff.

Here's a boss theme for a game that's taking forever to get finished.

3. Lunacy Star

Where? Oh, right. I haven't worked on this in about two months. It'll work again eventually.

4. New Estherson

15,000 words. I find it difficult to continue writing this because I'm constantly shifting location and relevant characters. The plot is 2/5ths over and I'm still introducing people left and right, most of whom are not interesting yet.

5. Chaos Weapon

It's a game, that exists.

Oh, fine, here:

Only 32 days into development and I've already broken the idea of not showing anyone until it's at least semi-functional.

charlie, forgive the resize whoring in the people face sprites please

6. Personal Crap

School is difficult. Like, really.

Okay, it's not, it's really just me not bothering to participate in anything at all, but it's largely due to that that school is being a bitch not to get Cs in.

I've started to learn how to write, as I quote from one of my teachers, "quality bullshit" in regards to my essays. Not studying one bit of that Art History for that last exam netted me a solid 73 *thumbsup*

My parents are finally letting me back behind the wheels of vehicles that operate properly, and I've already started picking up my hilarious driving habits from before.

I think I'm about to swear off the practice entirely.

7. Blogorrhoea?

I've decided to try not to blog unless I can

a) find a topic suitable for it's own blog

b) compile a bunch of smaller, vaguely important things into one mishmash blog like this

Maybe this will help get like, comments? I don't know.

8. Halloween

I went to school in costume, I went to work in costume.

Click for terrible looking Taizen:

The latter seemed much less grating and awkward.

I didn't go trick-or-treating, natch, so I've just been leeching off my sister's candy.

9. Work

I recently worked a 12 hour shift, and holy balls was that fun.

I've never gotten to drive home at 4 AM before. I also got the day off the next day, which was merciful. It was my first Not School and Not Work day in two and a half months.

10. Anything else?

Basically, even with my week hiatus in attempt to collect blog-worthy things, I still fall short of things to talk about.

~ Taizen Chisou


Glen 12 years, 3 months ago

I clearly don't look like my avatar.

Rob 12 years, 3 months ago

Art History

Ew, gross. Liberal arts.

Your imouto needs to cosplay as a new touhou though, instead of just doing Reimu again.

And don't tell her that, it'll inflate her ego even further.

Taizen, your imouto is cute.

Quote: death

dude i'm raping my school, got A's in programming

Intro programming courses seem to be a complete and total joke almost everywhere. What's the most complicated thing you've covered?

LAR Games 12 years, 3 months ago

I wonder if enough people have posted pictures of themselves in Halloween costumes to warrant making a weird scrapbook-like thing of them.

Castypher 12 years, 3 months ago

Your imouto needs to cosplay as a new touhou though, instead of just doing Reimu again.
I hate to agree with Rob, but I might make an exception here.

Intro programming courses seem to be a complete and total joke almost everywhere. What's the most complicated thing you've covered?
Rob versus Death in a never-ending battle of egos and elitism!


sirxemic 12 years, 3 months ago

Rob versus Death in a never-ending battle of egos and elitism!
Misinterpretations. Everywhere. '>_> Don't turn this into a 'battle' by announcing one.

Charlie Carlo 12 years, 3 months ago


Taizen Chisou 12 years, 3 months ago

Yeah, you guys, the thread should be about all the insubstantial updates to my game.



Castypher 12 years, 3 months ago

KILL–Oh wait, it's Norman.

This font looks much better.

Charlie Carlo 12 years, 3 months ago

The level is overlapping the name.

I saw Pleph, and I was all, coulda sworn it was Aleph.

Other than that, this font actually doesn't look too shit when scaled.

Taizen Chisou 12 years, 3 months ago