Always Listen to Rare Benevolent Magic Horpses
Hey all, Jinxtengu has released his most recent app known as "Kitty Punch." It describes the touching relationship between a kitten and a kind benevolent magical horse, who grants the kitten special fighting powers so that he can save the world! But why listen to me blather anymore about Jinxtengu's …
Stop digging up your nose and start digging for the clams
So you're probably checking the 'Digits (That's what they call it around these parts. The 'Digits.) and thinking to yourself "Man, I've never actually been a clam digger (not dugger; then you'd have like 20 kids) but if I were I'd be awesome. WELL THINK AGAIN DIGGER SUPER …Saturday Night 2 Hour Game Jam

"Why not introduce yourself?"
So, I've been lurking around on this webpage for about a good two weeks now. I've commented here and there on a few things only to be told about every time: "That's nice, random stranger creeper guy I do not know, but you are a random stranger creeper guy that …