"Why not introduce yourself?"

Posted by TotaliterAliter on July 26, 2012, 11:11 p.m.

So, I've been lurking around on this webpage for about a good two weeks now. I've commented here and there on a few things only to be told about every time: "That's nice, random stranger creeper guy I do not know, but you are a random stranger creeper guy that I do not know. Welcome to 64digits." So, in order to get past this stage I figured it would be efficacious (because I have to use fancy words and can't simply say "a good idea") to post an introductory blog.

Let's start off: Hello 64digits! My name is Totaliter Aliter. How are you doing today? Fine? Well, that's nice to hear. What grade are you in? You're not in a grade, you say? You're a webpage? Well, that's pretty cool, I guess. Well, it was nice meeting you. But you know, I'm going to be that guy that's awkwardly trying to end the conversation by being nonresponsive and acting like I'm going for a drink, when in reality I'm just trying to nudge my way in a conversation with the one cute girl who is also came to the same party within our vicinity.

Just kidding. I couldn't do that to you, 64digits. Namely because there are no girls on the internet.

But seriously, my (user)name is Totaliter Aliter. I'm 22 and live in Mississippi (the state) where I am attending seminary (the preacher school). I was referred to just yesterday after beating out a friend in a comparison of who has the whitest skin as the "scrawny gamer" by a fellow classmate. Thus, you can infer I play video games, which include Minecraft, Team Fortress, Civilization IV, and Terraria (All online, I might add. Hit me up if you're into any of those.). I also make games with Game Maker every now and then. However, due to my workload and weightier commitments I don't intend on starting any serious projects. But, I do intend on making a few smaller games every now and then, we'll see.

But, that's about all I have to say. I'm not very interesting. Not at all. In fact, I fell asleep five times writing this. And then, I died. But, I came back for you, 64digits. Because, I love you. How can I love you when we've never really talked, you ask? Because as we've covered, I'm that random stranger creeper guy and that's what I do best.



JuurianChi 12 years, 2 months ago

But you know, I'm going to be that guy that's awkwardly trying to end the conversation by being nonresponsive and acting like I'm going for a drink, when in reality I'm just trying to nudge my way in a conversation with the one cute girl who is also came to the same party within our vicinity.
That's my job.

that aside. Welcome to 64Digits.

There is no such thing as sanity, old beans are nuts, toast isn't toast, and whatever the problem is

Blame Kaz.

JID 12 years, 2 months ago

Namely because there are no girls on the internet.
welcome to 64digits, the only place on the Internet with actual females

F1ak3r 12 years, 2 months ago

welcome to 64digits, the only place on the Internet with actual females
We've got all three of them.

Welcome, and enjoy your stay!

pounce4evur 12 years, 2 months ago

Oh, cool! I was wondering who you were. I think I've been around long enough to give you a welcome to 64 Digits.

Namely because there are no girls on the internet.
*sigh.* Why is this attitude still around? Hello, I am female, and I have had access to the internet since 2006 eh, for a while now. Screw exact years. :P

colseed 12 years, 2 months ago

But, that's about all I have to say. I'm not very interesting. Not at all. In fact, I fell asleep five times writing this. And then, I died. But, I came back for you, 64digits. Because, I love you. How can I love you when we've never really talked, you ask? Because as we've covered, I'm that random stranger creeper guy and that's what I do best.
I think I'm liking this fellow already.

oh and hai

foompd 12 years, 2 months ago

You seem like a cool dude, I respect your face. Welcome!

Castypher 12 years, 2 months ago

Namely because there are no girls on the internet.
It's because women have better things to do than sit around and troll people on 4chan (and yes, I know that in itself is a meme, but it's grown quite stale).

Welcome, by the way. I believe we met in Terraria.

Toast 12 years, 2 months ago

It's all relative

JuurianChi 12 years, 2 months ago

Dammit Toast, I was gonna…

Cesque 12 years, 2 months ago

Hi! Enjoy your stay at 64digits.

my (user)name is Totaliter Aliter.

Can I inquire about the origins of your username?

"Totaliter aliter" rings a bell tol me because it's one of the phrases repeated in the May Day Mystery messages, a subject I have become accidentally familiar with.

I play video games, which include Minecraft, Team Fortress, Civilization IV, and Terraria (All online, I might add. Hit me up if you're into any of those.).

You coincidentally play all of the games people over at 64digits play?

Yeah right.

Party crasher.