"Why not introduce yourself?"

Posted by TotaliterAliter on July 26, 2012, 11:11 p.m.

So, I've been lurking around on this webpage for about a good two weeks now. I've commented here and there on a few things only to be told about every time: "That's nice, random stranger creeper guy I do not know, but you are a random stranger creeper guy that I do not know. Welcome to 64digits." So, in order to get past this stage I figured it would be efficacious (because I have to use fancy words and can't simply say "a good idea") to post an introductory blog.

Let's start off: Hello 64digits! My name is Totaliter Aliter. How are you doing today? Fine? Well, that's nice to hear. What grade are you in? You're not in a grade, you say? You're a webpage? Well, that's pretty cool, I guess. Well, it was nice meeting you. But you know, I'm going to be that guy that's awkwardly trying to end the conversation by being nonresponsive and acting like I'm going for a drink, when in reality I'm just trying to nudge my way in a conversation with the one cute girl who is also came to the same party within our vicinity.

Just kidding. I couldn't do that to you, 64digits. Namely because there are no girls on the internet.

But seriously, my (user)name is Totaliter Aliter. I'm 22 and live in Mississippi (the state) where I am attending seminary (the preacher school). I was referred to just yesterday after beating out a friend in a comparison of who has the whitest skin as the "scrawny gamer" by a fellow classmate. Thus, you can infer I play video games, which include Minecraft, Team Fortress, Civilization IV, and Terraria (All online, I might add. Hit me up if you're into any of those.). I also make games with Game Maker every now and then. However, due to my workload and weightier commitments I don't intend on starting any serious projects. But, I do intend on making a few smaller games every now and then, we'll see.

But, that's about all I have to say. I'm not very interesting. Not at all. In fact, I fell asleep five times writing this. And then, I died. But, I came back for you, 64digits. Because, I love you. How can I love you when we've never really talked, you ask? Because as we've covered, I'm that random stranger creeper guy and that's what I do best.



TotaliterAliter 12 years, 2 months ago

Quote: Stevenup7002
Hey I just met you, and this is cra… anyway, we're having a minecraft survival marathon this Saturday, to celebrate the new features of 1.3. Join us maybe?
I would, but I'm going out of town this weekend. Otherwise, I'd be all over that. But, thanks for the introduction!

Quote: JID
welcome to 64digits, the only place on the Internet with actual females
I feel like that should be a banner over the website or something. "WELCOME TO 64DIGITS- YES, WE HAVE FEMALES!"

Quote: foompd
You seem like a cool dude, I respect your face. Welcome!
I do have a nice face. Sometimes, I just like to touch it.

Quote: Cesque
Can I inquire about the origins of your username?

"Totaliter aliter" rings a bell tol me because it's one of the phrases repeated in the May Day Mystery messages, a subject I have become accidentally familiar with.
It's Latin for "wholly other." It was a statement Karl Barth made as to the ontology of God in comparison to that of man. It has a nice ring to it, so I nabbed it as a username. As for how much that has to do with May Day Mystery messages, I have no idea.

JuurianChi 12 years, 2 months ago

I feel like that should be a banner over the website or something. "WELCOME TO 64DIGITS- YES, WE HAVE FEMALES!"
If there where a banner like that, there would never be any girls here…

Cesque 12 years, 2 months ago

I feel like that should be a banner over the website or something. "WELCOME TO 64DIGITS- YES, WE HAVE FEMALES!"

"Meet 64digits girls in your area!"

It's Latin for "wholly other." It was a statement Karl Barth made as to the ontology of God in comparison to that of man.

And now I know where your avatar is from, too! I knew the meaning and the context, but forgot the source. Thanks.

firestormx 12 years, 2 months ago

I play video games, which include Minecraft, Team Fortress, Civilization IV, and Terraria (All online, I might add. Hit me up if you're into any of those.).

You coincidentally play all of the games people over at 64digits play?

I was going to point this out!

Anyway, welcome to 64D. Sometimes we play minecraft, civ 4, terraria, and once or twice, TF. Also, Sapphire Tears.

Kamira 12 years, 2 months ago

Welcome to 64D! This might be one of the best intro blogs I've seen.

Also, Sapphire Tears.

panzercretin 12 years, 2 months ago

I feel like this guy would play an awesome game of chess, while using the chess game as an analogy to some sort of philosophical nuance in a debate you're holding simultaneously.

In other words, he's a pretty fucking swell guy.

JuurianChi 12 years, 2 months ago

I concur, Panzer.

Quite the gentleman he has become.

I look forward to further exploits. :}

LAR Games 12 years, 2 months ago

I play video games, which include Minecraft, Team Fortress, Civilization IV, and Terraria (All online, I might add. Hit me up if you're into any of those.).

You coincidentally play all of the games people over at 64digits play?

I was going to point this out!

Hey, so was I!

Man, it really is a small world isn't it?

Acid 12 years, 2 months ago

Me too.

panzercretin 12 years, 2 months ago

Hello, 64digits! My name is Panzermancer and I live in Massachusetts. I am currently halfway through summer and enjoying the shit out of waking up at noon, eating whatever garbage I can get my grotty mitts on, and watching free porn, Brian Eno albums, and obscure Russian animation into the wee hours of the night. I decided to register for 64digits when I was banned from The Games Showcase (now defunct) and was sent here, as a sort of prank intended towards the 64Digits community (I had a far from stellar reputation at the GMS). I had all sorts of half-baked ideas with no concept of scope, and all I could manage were haphazard David Lynchian interactive mindfucks with production cycles ranging upwards of 6 hours. And thank goodness, too. Also, I don't play PC games because I've never had a computer with a decent graphics card, nor the money to buy them nor the patience to torrent them (this part intentionally left untouched). I do intend on releasing a game sometime soon, hopefully by the end of summer.