End of humans

Posted by Tumetsu on Oct. 7, 2006, 3:06 a.m.

I like talk about science, time, space and such stuff so I decided make one entry for about end of humans.

So, 99% of all living creatures in this planet have disappeared forever. It's only matter of time when homo sapiens is one of them. Probably we die in meteor crash, super volcano eruption and finally when sun grows to the red giant. Well, but unlike other living creatures, we have somekind intelligence and technology what can maybe save us from destruction.

Like you know, tehnology advances now faster than ever and it is said that maybe in 2100 or maybe even 2030 year, we can travel to other planets and so on. Our intelligence may help us find new home somewhere in space. But how about speed what is required for traveling to other planets? Well, we know that light's speed is highest speed in universe. So we have some solutions for this problem.




Wormholes can be best solution, if we can take them under our control. It's like short tunnel throught universum what allows you to transfer any place in universum in couple seconds. However, wormholes minuses are their fragile condition so they can disappear when you are inside them (and it isn't good for you). But it is probably possible to calm them. Another minus what wormholes haves, is that they must first take to the place where you want to go. So if you want to go another galaxy, you must first take it with you, place to anther galaxy before you can go there.

Nanorobots are pretty interesting solution for space traveling. In space, little objects moves nearly light's speed. So, nanorobots would be more faster than any our current spaceships and would take less energy. In future, our DNA and other stuff what we need can be stored to these nanorobots. And when it is destination planet, human "grows" from nanorobot like grass from seed. Sounds strange but will be pretty useful.

Last one dormancy (I'm not sure is this right word for this even thought dictionary said so).

So we can take humasn to dormancy condition, what should slow or even stop our aging and let this way long space travels.

Some scientists talks about cyborgs and even full robots. In future, maybe best solution is transform our body first partly to robotic and finally fully robotic what protects we from radiations and illness.

Or is it best solution stay here and face our doom…?


Tokyoma 18 years, 4 months ago

Ahaha, I would just like to say right now.

Before metoeor crashes, before super volcano eruptions and before the sun expands out past the earth and becomes a red giant.

Humans still face their greatest threat.

Each other.

Man kind will either blow up the earth or kill it slowly way before a meteor,a volcano, or the sun becomes a problem. All though I do agree that space travel is what we need.

Take all the intellects and non AIDS people, and shove them in a self-substaining space colony.


Evilish 18 years, 4 months ago

dormancy, also known as cryogenics… alot of people have already been frozen that way. The one problem is that we still need a perfect a way of unfreezing them.

That would probally be our best bet…

And what do you mean that smaller objects go faster? There is no such thing as friction in space travel

Tumetsu 18 years, 4 months ago


It's true that very small objects can travel very hight speed in space. It's like natures bacteries. They are small and because that they can access nearly everywhere. Same is with nanrobots. They can gain easily lightspeed. I read this from one trustful science magazine ;)


Sadly, now when we are destroyed all bigger beasts than us. Left is bacteries and ourselves. And fight against these two most powerful opponents is already started. And waht the worst, last one can lead to our destruction. And we can't beat ourselves. We can only destroy ourselves what don't lead anywhere.

Onyx 18 years, 4 months ago

He's talking about mass. Photons have allmost no mass so they can move at speed of light. It's true that nanobots could theoreticaly move faster than a spaceship. But:

1) They still have mass so they can't go FTL (faster-then-light)

2) They would need HUGE amounts of energy to reach a speed close to speed of light

Anyway, I think we'll invent some kind of warp one day. Wormholes? Nah, unstable, not to mention that center of the wormhole is, theoreticaly, infinitely small so nothing can go throught anyway.

Tumetsu 18 years, 4 months ago


Thanks for pointing mass. I don't remenber nanorobot's energy but I said they can move NEARLY lightspeed. And about warping, how it would be possible? Nothing can go faster than light so how to transfer even data to so long distances…? And about wormholes, you can dilate them. However, you must first calm them down. Wormholes can also make time travels possible.

Onyx 18 years, 4 months ago

This one looks promising. But we need more knowledge in quantum mechancics before we can try that Alcubierre drive

Tumetsu 18 years, 4 months ago

I didn't read all of that text but I have heard about this allready. If I remember right, problems with this technique are that everything what is front of spaceship will be destroyed and second, this takes reeeeally much energy. If I remember right it takes in theory about three times more energy than sun produces so I doubt we can find enought big energy resource in couple next years XD. However, this is still promising and about energy problem, if we can use blackholes for energy resource, energy isn't problem.

And yes Onyx, we really need more information about quantum mechanics before trying. Must read that article again.

Bex 18 years, 4 months ago


Polystyrene Man 18 years, 4 months ago

All of your scenarios illustrate one massive extinction. The chances of earth being hit by a huge asteroid is slim. The chances of an enormous volcanic eruption is also slim (the largest recorded one is Krakatoa, and we're still here today).

We will be LONG gone before the sun becomes a red giant; don't worry about that.

I'd say the biggest threat is widespread, incurable disease or nuclear warfare.

Moving on….

A)There is no proof that wormholes exist. Even if they do, how far away is the closest one from Earth?

B)Nanobots are far from having sufficient AI to do what you've suggested. And there's always the problem of landing them on another planet whose gravity and atmosphere we do not know. They might get pretty toasty as they fall to the ground.

C)It's easy to freeze people, but as-of-yet, impossible to unfreeze them.

Best way to protect ourselves? World peace.

Firebird 18 years, 4 months ago

They can gain easily lightspeed.
Not so true. If an object has mass, it can not reach the speed of light easily. When you go faster, the object gains more mass, and in turn, traveling at light speed would require infinite energy, to power infinite mass.

Which is kinda impossible.

Anyway, if anyone would like to correct me, be my guest. That was just off the top of my head.

Also, if wormholes were proven to exist, then we would need to develop a false-vacuum to keep it open.