End of humans

Posted by Tumetsu on Oct. 7, 2006, 3:06 a.m.

I like talk about science, time, space and such stuff so I decided make one entry for about end of humans.

So, 99% of all living creatures in this planet have disappeared forever. It's only matter of time when homo sapiens is one of them. Probably we die in meteor crash, super volcano eruption and finally when sun grows to the red giant. Well, but unlike other living creatures, we have somekind intelligence and technology what can maybe save us from destruction.

Like you know, tehnology advances now faster than ever and it is said that maybe in 2100 or maybe even 2030 year, we can travel to other planets and so on. Our intelligence may help us find new home somewhere in space. But how about speed what is required for traveling to other planets? Well, we know that light's speed is highest speed in universe. So we have some solutions for this problem.




Wormholes can be best solution, if we can take them under our control. It's like short tunnel throught universum what allows you to transfer any place in universum in couple seconds. However, wormholes minuses are their fragile condition so they can disappear when you are inside them (and it isn't good for you). But it is probably possible to calm them. Another minus what wormholes haves, is that they must first take to the place where you want to go. So if you want to go another galaxy, you must first take it with you, place to anther galaxy before you can go there.

Nanorobots are pretty interesting solution for space traveling. In space, little objects moves nearly light's speed. So, nanorobots would be more faster than any our current spaceships and would take less energy. In future, our DNA and other stuff what we need can be stored to these nanorobots. And when it is destination planet, human "grows" from nanorobot like grass from seed. Sounds strange but will be pretty useful.

Last one dormancy (I'm not sure is this right word for this even thought dictionary said so).

So we can take humasn to dormancy condition, what should slow or even stop our aging and let this way long space travels.

Some scientists talks about cyborgs and even full robots. In future, maybe best solution is transform our body first partly to robotic and finally fully robotic what protects we from radiations and illness.

Or is it best solution stay here and face our doom…?


Tumetsu 18 years, 4 months ago

Super volcanos aren't normal volcanos. There are couple of them in world. One is somewhere near Indonesia and another is under Yellowstone national park. And what is bad thing that Yellowstone's volcano's eruption cycle or what it is, is around 50 000 years if I remember right. And from last eruption happened about 51 000 years ago. So it is possible that it erupts soon. And whay it is problem? Well, it's gonna be big bang. Big part of USA will have 1-2 metres of ash. And it can also prevent sun's warm to get here in year what leads to the trees and grasses withers and growing them would be impossible.

And about wormholes, in universe, there continuesly appears and disappears wormholes. So if we can catch or create one and calm it down or something, squeeze it, bring another side to somewhere, we probably can use it. Of course this is just theory but many scientists believe this will work.

I don't know so much about nanobots but this science area is advancing right now. It won't take many many years before nanobots go inside our veins. Needed AI is far too complicated for today technology but we aren't building them today… :)

However, I understand your point.

And finally, you are right. Freezing is easy but returning to "back to life" is little more complicated…

And about discusion, we don't need worry nearly anything of these todays. This is just thinking human race's future. However, if we must choose most probably doom from these what can happen when we live, it is volcano. It can happen even tomorrow…

Tumetsu 18 years, 4 months ago


Yes,you are probably right about these nanobots. It's newest theory, so I don't have so much information about it's requirements.

And what you said about false-vacuums, it may be solution. If I only could find that one magazine what decribed about wormholes…

I don't know how reliable this article is about wormholes is, but it's still pretty interesting. Kip Thorn also created theory about time traveling with wormholes.


Firebird 18 years, 4 months ago

You could theoretically travel in time, yes. I have an entire book on it, which I have read inside out.

Except technology can't really create a wormhole yet, let alone control one. We don't even have proof that they exist.

Tumetsu 18 years, 4 months ago

Yes, it's true Firebird. We can't be sure is there wormholes and some scientist doubt that even blackholes are just imagination. And there is many other things what we don't have proof and what we can only research more and later proof it's true or it's just imaginary.

And technology can't create wormholes yet, like it can't bring we even another planet yet. Or, it can but 20 years to Mars is long time for us or even with that new what it's called (can't remember) technology what makes traveling to Mars possible in few months.

Firebird 18 years, 4 months ago

Maybe we wont go into space. Maybe underground.

Maxcore 18 years, 4 months ago

Actually, wormholes connect different dimensions. The problem is, they are so amazingly tiny that it would be really hard to get through one. There is a theory that using large magnets, you could propel a ship so fast it would jump into another dimension where the speed of light was faster, and then you could go up to that speed (since going the speed of light is impossible). Also, I highly doubt that the nanobots would work, because even going to speed of light is too slow to get to some places. We have a couple billion years to worry about it though, right?

Tumetsu 18 years, 4 months ago

Yes, we have more than couple years to solv these problems :D

And wormholes another problem is that they may lead to the another universum, probably just what you meaned biggmax.

And Firebird, what's the point to go underground…? Okay, it may save us from volcano eruption and meteor but finally sun scorches us. :D

SleepinJohnnyFish 18 years, 4 months ago

Please learn to speak English correctly before attempting to sound intelligent.

SleepinJohnnyFish 18 years, 4 months ago

Bah, that came out wrong… What I mean is, please have someone spell check your work if you're going to post an intelligent conversation starter like this one.

I don't know why I said it the other way.. that just sounded rude.

Darktech 18 years, 4 months ago

hey destroying the human kind is my job…i mean who wants a slice of pie?