GB styled games.

Posted by death on June 21, 2011, 12:35 p.m.

how do you guys feel about them? i've been working on my own for quite a while now. a Metroid-like game if you will, done in 4 colors. it's simple and easy to make while still giving lots of room for unique, imaginative, creations.

do you think they are being over done in the indie world?

do you think it makes the game unplayable compared to today's modern graphics?

what's you favorite GB style game?

i just recently played Tower of Heaven which is a ver fun game. i think this game shows that GB style games are still awesome =3

i'm not sure if i posted a pic of my GB styled game, it's quite an old project, that i haven't worked on in at least 2 months… i'll get back to it though!

EDIT: here's a pic of my gb styled game before palette changes. it's an old pic, games changed a lot but i'm too lazy to take another pic. cause its on another computer, and than i have to switch the file over to this one, and than upload it and… im lazy =P

image removed

EDIT2: ok here's a more recent screenshot

ok the palette might need explaining. it is done in 4 colors, but every

area/section has it's own color. i thought that might be a little better

than just green the entire game, right?


BP Scraps 13 years, 6 months ago

They're awesome.

Go finish yours.


Astryl 13 years, 6 months ago

They're being overdone, but that's a good thing considering the quality of appearance otherwise :3

Low resolution makes it easier to give the illusion of mediocre quality art skills, and gives you time to practice the coding.

And I don't remember a pic of your game.

death 13 years, 6 months ago

ok i'll post an old pic up. though this one really doesn't show much lol. i already got all the tilesheets and enemies/bosses completed, and about 1/8th of the rooms. it's a non-linear adventure game so there's gonna be like 300 rooms and i'm only like 50 done right now xD

Praying Mantis 13 years, 6 months ago

I didn't like Tower of Heaven, but that's me. Tha game utilised the Game Boy palette, but only 3 colours of it, which somewhat killed the idea of even using it. I also find it silly when games use the Game Boy green palette, but a landscape resolution, which makes it just seem gimmicky as opposed to reminiscing or corresponding to the Game Boy.

I haven't actually seen too many Game Boy styled games, specifically, but lo-fi retro graphics, oh yes those need to die. The overuse of the 8-bit art style has – in the minds of un-informed gamers – skewed the term. E.G., "Minecraft is an 8-bit game", oh lol.

Good luck with your game. It's good that you're using the 4-colour scheme, but not of the green hue. Now all you have to do is give it the natural GB resolution ;) .

Glen 13 years, 6 months ago

I like the tiles you used.

death 13 years, 6 months ago

lol i do use the GB resolution. like i said this is an old screenshot. i'll go take another pic and upload it now. since i'm just not happy with this one xD

and thanks, i tried to make sure all the tilesets have a lot of variety, i can't stand bland tilesets with the same basic shape repeating over and over again.

EDIT: ok uploded