A first look at my RPG

Posted by death on May 2, 2012, 12:27 p.m.

i got a small tileset so far and a few enemies. as you can see it's going to be an action-rpg. the main character sprite has already been redrawn better, i just haven't animated the new version yet.

i'm a bit worried about the size of an RPG and what kind of commitment it's going to take to dedicate the next 3 months of my life to building a virtual world. i'm not a graphical guy, i'm not that good with designing rooms to look pretty or making tilesets. i like to design rooms that will challenge someone (like a puzzle or platform game) so building RPG rooms isn't much fun for me…

i also realize that if the game needs to be large enough to enjoy (even for a few hours) i need to plan ahead and decide how many rooms is this world going to be? even a small number like 8x8 rooms is a lot of work, that's 64 total rooms! and than i have to decide what size is each room? i think i'm going with 800x800 (for now) it's a nice size for a room using this resolution, also the room editor fits in one screen so i don't have to do any scrolling to see everything.

so i have a question for you's, what size are you planning for your RPG?

additional notes:

- tiles are 16x16

- 3 layers are used to make the rooms

- tiles in a standard snes-rpg perspective, not zelda perspective!


JuurianChi 12 years, 8 months ago

It buuurns!

death 12 years, 8 months ago

the only reason it burns for you is 'cuz you're not used to the old school stretched out graphics the NES displayed on your big old wooden TV .

all the dark, gray games of today has gotten everyone afraid of bright/colorful games :p

Desttinghim 12 years, 8 months ago

Hmmm. I can't wait to play this game.

Astryl 12 years, 7 months ago

It's a good start, though I'd recommend getting hold of the NES NTSC palette if you want to go for that kind of game (I can PM it to you if you want).

I haven't pinned down the size of my world yet, only having a vague idea of 16 or so 'areas' of varying size.

death 12 years, 7 months ago

@Mega: yea maybe i oughta get into using the actual palette for once. i usually just make small tiles inspired by NES graphics but the colors in Spectre's post looks great so i could always try for even more nostalgia.

death 12 years, 7 months ago

okay i changed the colors to match the NTSC NES palette >_> but it just looks… strange

Moikle 12 years, 7 months ago

looks fine to me, if still a little too saturated in some parts

valkyriegames 12 years, 7 months ago

Hey it looks good. I like the version you called strange!